Rittenhouse MEGATHREAD


Pay attention to how nervous I am


So today is probably it. Both will give five or more hours of closing arguments and then they give it to the jury.

Defense outside of cross examination has completely thrown this case. Allowing the state to bring in fake evidence with a video that shows Kyle as a dark blob and trying to project onto the judge that he's raising his rifle.

The defense proved their case through cross, but completely fumbled the ball with their worthless video expert and allowing so much bullshit to go unobjected to.

Really don't know where this is going to go, but I wouldn't be surprised he's tripped up with a lower charge. Sources that reached out to the YT lawyers said the gallery believed Kyle, but take it with a grain of salt.

Apparently, the Arbery case from what I heard through summaries of other YT lawyers is the state had a bad week and much of it is in the McMichael's favor. Of course they said racist shit in their past but you cannot use that as evidence. He terrorized their community for months. It was a an effort of the whole area to try and apprehend him as the cops weren't doing shit. They exhausted their efforts with them, so what are they supposed to do at that point? Lynchings were a natural progression of living with subhuman niggers. Although I wouldn't give a shit if they do get convicted honestly. Kyle is another matter.

Punished Dan Mullen

Calamari Ring Leader
So today is probably it. Both will give five or more hours of closing arguments and then they give it to the jury.

Defense outside of cross examination has completely thrown this case. Allowing the state to bring in fake evidence with a video that shows Kyle as a dark blob and trying to project onto the judge that he's raising his rifle.

The defense proved their case through cross, but completely fumbled the ball with their worthless video expert and allowing so much bullshit to go unobjected to.

Really don't know where this is going to go, but I wouldn't be surprised he's tripped up with a lower charge. Sources that reached out to the YT lawyers said the gallery believed Kyle, but take it with a grain of salt.

Apparently, the Arbery case from what I heard through summaries of other YT lawyers is the state had a bad week and much of it is in the McMichael's favor. Of course they said racist shit in their past but you cannot use that as evidence. He terrorized their community for months. It was a an effort of the whole area to try and apprehend him as the cops weren't doing shit. They exhausted their efforts with them, so what are they supposed to do at that point? Lynchings were a natural progression of living with subhuman niggers. Although I wouldn't give a shit if they do get convicted honestly. Kyle is another matter.
What's the betting line here, I am gonna say 30 to life


Farted in Nikis pussy
I've watched most of the trial, but I don't know if I can listen to Binger talk for 2.5 straight hours. I hope the jury finds him as unlikable as I do. He's either going to get off or it's going to be a hung jury.