Rittenhouse MEGATHREAD


Its not going to change the tide of things but there are plenty of people that are saying " hey this whole trial is BS and not what the news was reporting."
Even redditors are saying that. Which leaves the questions; who is the news trying to fool with their narrative? And why? And how will they explain the discrepancies between their reporting and the videos? I already know the answer of course: They're just trying to foment hate for "muh White Supremacists" on behalf of their Jewish puppet masters. And they will continue to do so. This will never end.


I’ve noticed the media is hesitant to give much coverage to this trial compared to the Derek C trial. They know they mislead the public and it’s being proven in a court of law. They will switch the Abrey trial so they can get more “white people kill black people all day” narrative. This trial has shown how dirty the law system is and how things can be manipulated.
That case isn't a hill worth dying on. He harassed their community and the cops never helped them and they took it into their own hands. It's not clear self defense since they followed him and then he opted to charge them. That being said, he was a worthless nigger (redundant) and deserved everything that happened to him.

This case however, is the legal definition of self defense with lethal force.

Slackjawed Cow

I laugh at them because they're all the same.
Even redditors are saying that. Which leaves the questions; who is the news trying to fool with their narrative? And why? And how will they explain the discrepancies between their reporting and the videos? I already know the answer of course: They're just trying to foment hate for "muh White Supremacists" on behalf of their Jewish puppet masters. And they will continue to do so. This will never end.
They will not comment on it and wait til the next big story and pretend this never happened.


Stand Alone Fruit
They will not comment on it and wait til the next big story and pretend this never happened.
That’s how we’ve gotten to where we are, with social media and 24/7 outrage about something until something else comes along. During the Trump years they would run with a misleading / unverified story to play to the outrage crowd then retract it after people had moved on to the next story. They got all worked up over something that didn’t happen / blow out of proportion and had moved on before the truth came out.


I Am Racist Man Leader of the Digital Ku Klux Klan
That case isn't a hill worth dying on. He harassed their community and the cops never helped them and they took it into their own hands. It's not clear self defense since they followed him and then he opted to charge them. That being said, he was a worthless nigger (redundant) and deserved everything that happened to him.

This case however, is the legal definition of self defense with lethal force.
"bUt If He WaS bLaCk!"


Rittenhouse had 2million dollar bond

These dumb Niggers on Twitter will continue to ignore facts and repeat things that were proven untrue


Stand Alone Fruit
They've gone at him with a hatchet for a year now. He's easily looking at the upper half of eight figures.
They wanted him to be seen as that Derek cop with George Floyd. They wanted his life ruined for defending himself from a violent mob. The lying news still calls the event a “racial protest” like he went there to go on a black murder rampage.


Yes. I had cyber sex sessions with Leslie.
That case isn't a hill worth dying on. He harassed their community and the cops never helped them and they took it into their own hands. It's not clear self defense since they followed him and then he opted to charge them. That being said, he was a worthless nigger (redundant) and deserved everything that happened to him.

This case however, is the legal definition of self defense with lethal force.
If I set race aside with the Arbery case and imagine myself running down the street leaving a trail of jewels and dressed like the hamburgler, I still think it's fucked up to be pulled over and approached by a bunch of Deliverance looking hillbillies with guns drawn. I'm definitely no attorney, but it feels weird that if you're in that scenario and fight back, they shouldn't be able to get off on self defense free and clear. Their are probably other factors in that case I'm not aware of though


If I set race aside with the Arbery case and imagine myself running down the street leaving a trail of jewels and dressed like the hamburgler, I still think it's fucked up to be pulled over and approached by a bunch of Deliverance looking hillbillies with guns drawn. I'm definitely no attorney, but it feels weird that if you're in that scenario and fight back, they shouldn't be able to get off on self defense free and clear. Their are probably other factors in that case I'm not aware of though
The factors were that he was repeatedly seen casing the area and inside that construction site and I believe he stole something I'm not sure. So the whole neighborhood was on the lookout for him. When he was spotted, it was told to the defendants that "he's here" so they automatically knew he was back, and the cops wouldn't be here in time again.

I understand why they did it, but it's not a good look for self defense. They wanted it to be a citizens arrest, but they have no probable cause he stole anything so they cannot claim a crime was just committed. If they did, self defense may hold up.

There's a video of him getting stopped at Walmart after he stole a TV and he was high as shit. He's just another 59IQ worthless nig that should of been aborted.


(Voluntarily) torqued boomer