Rittenhouse MEGATHREAD


Now he's going after that he didn't drive with license.

Spread your cheeks, faggot. The case is done.

Defense teed the case up for him and he still incomprehensibly fucked up this questioning to the point the judge is screaming at you.


(Voluntarily) torqued boomer
Now he's going after that he didn't drive with license.

Spread your cheeks, faggot. The case is done.

Defense teed the case up for him and he still incomprehensibly fucked up this questioning to the point the judge is screaming at you.
Nooooooo, your honor child. That is noT how the law workssssss!!!! You did noT lisTennn To your Teacher aT law ssssschool!!!


Hosting Brunch at a Night Club.
Where we at with the trial?

Slackjawed Cow

I laugh at them because they're all the same.
this case has opened the eyes of a lot of lefties that were believing the media on this. Everything the the news was pushing wasnt even used in the prosecution. I watched this whole evening play out live while watching multiple streams. From the argument at the gas station to the shootings. It took a while piece it all together and there were a couple sites that did a great job doing a timeline of videos but it was clearly self defense. This really exposes the news and them pushing a false narrative when its clearly wrong with video evidence.


Stand Alone Fruit
I’ve noticed the media is hesitant to give much coverage to this trial compared to the Derek C trial. They know they mislead the public and it’s being proven in a court of law. They will switch the Abrey trial so they can get more “white people kill black people all day” narrative. This trial has shown how dirty the law system is and how things can be manipulated.