Resident OnA Limey Swell McGowan has nothing on "Englishman Tomlinson"

Момент Силышенко

The Butcher of Slutsk
Absolutely no one in England would drink tea in their front garden unless they're an OAP, or a sausage nigel.

He really has a kid's perception of the world, whether it be riding a bike because he thinks it makes him manly and badass, or drinking English Breakfast tea because it makes him sophisticated and shows his refined taste (unlike those other Americans with their coffee).

He's fat.
is "sausage Nigel" another term for homosexual? I remeber being amazed by how many phrases the British had for homosexuals- fairy, queen, actor, arsepirate, artistic, bad thrower, it was like half the time you were calling somebody a faggot by accident. I suppose, when your history involves a lot of sailing ships and invading places filled with brown smelly stuff it's like eskimos and words for snow.


is "sausage Nigel" another term for homosexual? I remeber being amazed by how many phrases the British had for homosexuals- fairy, queen, actor, arsepirate, artistic, bad thrower, it was like half the time you were calling somebody a faggot by accident. I suppose, when your history involves a lot of sailing ships and invading places filled with brown smelly stuff it's like eskimos and words for snow.
"Arse goblin" was my favourite as a youngster.
Some more - bum bandit, shirt lifter, bender, jessie, big girl's blouse, ponce, poof, poofter, wooly woofter.


Which way?! Medium or well done?
This one makes me laugh the most and I don't know why.
It's because anything that focuses on the physical act of a dude putting his penis in another dude's butthole leads to absurdist humor

actually, with "shirt lifter" are you the one lifting your shirt or are you lifting some other guy's shirt? :colin_sm:

Riccardo Bosi

watches seasons 3-9 all the time, child.
It's because anything that focuses on the physical act of a dude putting his penis in another dude's butthole leads to absurdist humor

actually, with "shirt lifter" are you the one lifting your shirt or are you lifting some other guy's shirt? :colin_sm:
It just makes me picture some effeminate poofie guy lifting his shirt in celebration of something, which is something a straight guy has never done in history.

Slackjawed Cow

I laugh at them because they're all the same.
" Bruv"




For the last time, I am NOT Frank Grimes!

That scene completely played in my head.

I nicked it while you let your guard down for that split second... And I'd do it again. Goodbye.

I swear, if I was a child growing up watching this show, my sense of humour would be far more fucked up.


Don't take any guff from these swine
That scene completely played in my head.

I nicked it while you let your guard down for that split second... And I'd do it again. Goodbye.

I swear, if I was a child growing up watching this show, my sense of humour would be far more fucked up.

That's what I did and what happened.

In America, first you get the sugar
Then you get the power
Then you get the wimmen


Iron Hoof is cockney rhyming so you probably only ever heard iron. (at least I have when its spoken)
"He's an Iron"

Classic playground ones of Gaylord, Bummer and Bender
Which sounds like the law firm fatty should hire.
Iron I've definitely heard. "Dorian" is another good cockney one for gay. Dinner masher I don't get.


Portly Pepperoni Purveyor
It's because anything that focuses on the physical act of a dude putting his penis in another dude's butthole leads to absurdist humor

actually, with "shirt lifter" are you the one lifting your shirt or are you lifting some other guy's shirt? :colin_sm:
While It could go either way. Its generally in the context of the person being the effeminate/bottom and bends at the waist to lift the shirt tails as invitation.

Iron I've definitely heard. "Dorian" is another good cockney one for gay. Dinner masher I don't get.
basically a shit stabber/fudge packer. The context being they mash (the other persons) last night's dinner (that has made its way through their system)


While It could go either way. Its generally in the context of the person being the effeminate/bottom and bends at the waist to lift the shirt tails as invitation.

basically a shit stabber/fudge packer. The context being they mash (the other persons) last night's dinner (that has made its way through their system)
So disgusting, but so clear once you explained it. I'm glad I haven't eaten for 4 hours