Post 1 thing that made you think, oh shit Pat may be legitimately retarded.

Brooke Shields

Patrick Tomlinson hates me because I am a woman
Only 7 pages of reasons, not bad Pat, definitely not retarded

Trump Derangement Syndrome should be recorded in medical books. It may not cause insanity per se, but it certainly awakens latent insanity for people like Rick who can then project all their worldly grievances onto a single individual.
TDS might help open up schizophrenia like too much weed or acid.

Plenty of people with TDS can still act normal in real life and online & are cognizant enough to see Trump almost be assassinated and think "I mean I wouldn't mind if he dies naturally but this is not good."
Then you have the extreme TDS people who publicly with their real names wish that the shooter didn't miss, or more retardedly come up with stupid theory after stupid theory about how it was fake/staged, Trump's ear is fine, the shooter died but was in on it.

Normal conspiracies you read about online you can see people bring up strange things that make you question what is happening but not a full concise picture, with these Jackie/Fatrick types with TDS schizophrenia they just throw shit on the wall and forget about it an hour later


Charming, funny, and witty, atalker.
To me the biggest thing that makes Pat a retard is he's a fantasist.

It's already been mentioned numerous times in this thread that he habitually lies, but it really can't be overstated just outrageous his lies are.

Truthfully, throughout the day we all hide away in our own heads, imagining living a different life, one more successful or dramatic. We tend to think of a world that's better or worse than it actually is. But there's something that pulls us back into reality, usually in the form relationships or responsibility for others.

Rick has none of these things, so he permanently hides away in his head where he can be the stealthygeek. Which of course naturally spilt over onto Twitter: a social media site like all the others where users lie about their lives and how they're better (or worse) than they actually are, while using the update status as a kind of digital journal where "friends" can validate their poorly constructed shittakes. Pat's inability to form healthy relationships has caused a social media addiction that feeds back into his narcissism and hinders any potential (albeit, imo, small) prospect of genuine self-improvement of getting his life back on track.

And he's fat.

Uncle Anthony Cumia

Hot tubs, guns and slack jawed brothers
The Norm joke. It’s pretty obvious Pat didn’t find Norm funny because he wasn’t intelligent enough to get Norms jokes. Which is kind of hilarious because Norm was the king of the obvious punchline and did it with a great deadpan.

You could feel real annoyance in that tweet. Like Pat just didn’t get why anyone would like Norm. Because he doesent have the intelligence to process Norms set up.

Slackjawed Cow

I laugh at them because they're all the same.
It wasnt the apples as much as seeing him ignore good advice.






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