Piggy's secret car blog and twitter account? Larps as a mechanic with the pen name "Torque Wheeler"


Opie Simp
found on r/gamerfaggots

As someone who's coming back to this a day later, who is this guy and how did he get hooked up into this? Last I saw was that Joe Cumia wannbe faggot threatening us on his stream then protecting his account.

Edit: Nvm, just saw you answer it. TYFYS.

Slackjawed Cow

I laugh at them because they're all the same.
I forgot to grab screens but I accused a twitch streamer e thot with cancer of faking it for donations. Turns out ANML is her gaming Klan and these guys are her simps.

Oh boy. He really played all the cards. Come to my house, I have guns, fight me, swatting. It had everything. Ends up being some stoner that still thinks weed smoking vids are cool. I think Pat could take him. Pat has that retard rage strength and the weight advantage.

Slackjawed Cow

I laugh at them because they're all the same.
Twitch is a gold mine of fools. I have 4 of these anml faggots dming me, but 2 of them are boring as fuck
A few more Patisms so they can see his typical tone and they will be trolling pat on their own and wont need anyone to fuel it.

The thought of pat getting trolled from a few different groups makes me giddy.

The Fuchitive

Still alive as of January 2024
ANML have some new recruits:

View attachment 53763

I'd just go through the whole org with your account and fuck with as many as possible. Say that the infinite guy declared war on you. Maybe even send each person that pic of him saying that he'll swat you.

The main account for the whole org is this one:

Uh oh, I’m worried Patrick is going to declare war on gaming! I hope people aren’t obsessively overly passionate about video games or he’s gonna catch a lot of flack for this!