Piggy's news stories may have backfired.. again




**Attention brotherman**

One station is requesting an email with links and information and the other is going to be contacting me later today.

Sadly, I have a life and a job. It's currently Thursday morning, if I can get content together by noonish and get it sent over there's a much higher chance we see activity before the weekend pause.

I'm looking for things like pat saying other things than norm macdonald caused his harassment, him blaming us, saying it's not Kiwi, then saying it is kiwi and then saying it's not.. him making threats, archives, ECT.

I'll look here before I compile the emails to pull stuff
**Attention brotherman**

One station is requesting an email with links and information and the other is going to be contacting me later today.

Sadly, I have a life and a job. It's currently Thursday morning, if I can get content together by noonish and get it sent over there's a much higher chance we see activity before the weekend pause.

I'm looking for things like pat saying other things than norm macdonald caused his harassment, him blaming us, saying it's not Kiwi, then saying it is kiwi and then saying it's not.. him making threats, archives, ECT.

I'll look here before I compile the emails to pull stuff
The fake vandalism [URL]https://imgur.io/pp8nWiJ[/URL]


Btw I'm not super confident I can get these all the way pulled but I am confident that they will have to add Information that will piss Patrick off and ruin it for him
Here he is being a cunt. Obviously nobody deserves to be swatted, but it's not like he was picked at random and trolled, and people hated him long before we found him. It's also worth mentioning that several of us are not anonymous.



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Here he is being a cunt. Obviously nobody deserves to be swatted, but it's not like he was picked at random and trolled, and people hated him long before we found him.

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This is it right here. Stick with the rape stuff, the violence hitting women stuff, the gun video.

Forget the fake bomb threats and shit like that because they would actually have to do work to verify all that.


This is it right here. Stick with the rape stuff, the violence hitting women stuff, the gun video.

Forget the fake bomb threats and shit like that because they would actually have to do work to verify all that.
Yes. The best approach is going to be using his own easily verifiable words against him. All that needs to happen is showing people what an awful person he is and everything else will make sense.

Sink Inspector

SFWA hate site monitoring agent #2
I wonder if he showed the stations the supposed daily harassing voicemails he never posts on Twitter. They are mentioned on the Daily Beast piece but that author also used "spy shot" and their itnerpretation of the court case is insane so I have to assume they just blindly believed Pat.

Maybe the journos would be interested in knowing Pat claims to have gotten his house broken into in 2017 before the Norm tweet, so why is he blaming everything that happens to him on US and not his pre-2018 stalkers? https://twitter.com/stealthygeek/status/832841167318482944


What would you do for a Klondike bar?
**Attention brotherman**

One station is requesting an email with links and information and the other is going to be contacting me later today.
Please make sure you include the "vandalism" video, the photos of his vandalised house, and @Caverlock 's excellent pictures comparing the handwriting in both:

Caverlock - grafitii ComparisonBike.png

Caverlock - grafitii ComparisonWall2.png

You could point out that nobody here calls him a virgin - we all know he has a kid (who unfortunately looks just like him). Suggest they ask their police contacts if he's actually lodged that as evidence with the cops (as I don't think he has, because it's fake).

Lastly.... he's a left-wing deadbeat dad, a topic Fox will love.