Pig meltdown incoming

Slackjawed Cow

I laugh at them because they're all the same.
How has this fat piece of shit "backed" anything?

He needs to start backing up his claims. Time for photo and video proof of volunteering for his causes, and donations to his favorite candidates, or he's a big fat liar.

Back it up, Fatback!
Its all lip service on twitter. There is 6 years of documented history watching what he actually does. Drink and tweet takes up over 90% of his time.

Slackjawed Cow

I laugh at them because they're all the same.
The Shrapnel or glass theory of what hit Trumps ear..
Where did this shrapnel/glass come from? I havent seen that explained.
They try to say it came off a teleprompter


Slackjawed Cow

I laugh at them because they're all the same.
The bullet which went through his ear and into the head of Corey Comperatore took a detour through the teleprompters in front of Trump at some point? Magical.

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They immediately wanted to create doubt and confusion. Nobody waited for facts and everyone rushed to throw in their theories just from whatever they saw on TV. Its one thing for people to just be tossing ideas around on twitter but when news stations run with these and print them like they are facts is where shit gets fucked up. CNN said trump fell. Shit like that is irresponsible. There are still details that havent come out or maybe never will.



How has this fat piece of shit "backed" anything?

He needs to start backing up his claims. Time for photo and video proof of volunteering for his causes, and donations to his favorite candidates, or he's a big fat liar.

Back it up, Fatback!
He's the definition of a slacktivist. He has zero skin in the game and thus isn't involved in his community beyond going to faggy toy model meet ups with fellow man-children. He has no problem delegating and telling others what they should do from the safety of his fart couch-- he can't be bothered to actually protest or participate in voting drives or God forbid, volunteer and give back to the community.

I guess to be fair to Patrick, he's pretty unlikable and I think he knows that deep within his blackened heart/soul. He would wind up getting in an argument with someone who is on the same side as he is as soon as they disagree with him. He's readily admitted that he can't debate someone because he would turn violent the moment someone disagreed with him. That's a pretty healthy mindset for a 44 year old, amirite?


Slackjawed Cow

I laugh at them because they're all the same.
Pats got some weird hard-on for JD vance and some couch insult. No idea what thats about, but he thinks its some sick burn. He is really running it into the ground. Seems he is just trying to latch on to tweets that have a bit of heat by retweeting them. Then he tries to join in the dog pile and as usual his Couch tweets fall flat.

Slackjawed Cow

I laugh at them because they're all the same.
Vance is pretty gay and someone made up a false, but fairly believable, story of him fucking a couch and said he wrote about it in his gay book.

Pat knows it isn't real but why let that stop him.
Good thing nobody spreads questionable information about pat on the internet because im sure it would be far worse than fucking a couch.