Personal good news


(Voluntarily) torqued boomer
Waited until all the papers were signed and shit, so now I can say I landed my dream job during the pandemic and was able to move to Poland. Arrived the other day, living in a medium-sized city and looking for apartments. It’s gonna be hard getting a grasp of the language but I don’t mind.
I don’t know why I decided to share this here, but I like this place. You’ll all probably call me a faggot, and that’s cool too.


I am a genius btw...was on the Dean List
Waited until all the papers were signed and shit, so now I can say I landed my dream job during the pandemic and was able to move to Poland. Arrived the other day, living in a medium-sized city and looking for apartments. It’s gonna be hard getting a grasp of the language but I don’t mind.
I don’t know why I decided to share this here, but I like this place. You’ll all probably call me a faggot, and that’s cool too.
Enjoy being wiped off the map by russia


Waited until all the papers were signed and shit, so now I can say I landed my dream job during the pandemic and was able to move to Poland. Arrived the other day, living in a medium-sized city and looking for apartments. It’s gonna be hard getting a grasp of the language but I don’t mind.
I don’t know why I decided to share this here, but I like this place. You’ll all probably call me a faggot, and that’s cool too.
Wow, congrats! Are there many English speakers there? Did you decide on Poland because they're one of the least pozzed countries left? I've heard that there's a movement of like-minded Americans going there but have never known one to do it. How's the architecture?


(Voluntarily) torqued boomer
Wow, congrats! Are there many English speakers there? Did you decide on Poland because they're one of the least pozzed countries left? I've heard that there's a movement of like-minded Americans going there but have never known one to do it.
It’s more of a luck thing, but yeah I was more than happy to take this job offer because Poland is not nearly as faggy as everywhere else in Europe. The younger people speak English really well, but I’m actively trying to learn the language so have already made friends with people who will help me learn. It’s not all bad, there’s definitely not any fags like Patrick or Joe here, which is really nice.