Patrick is losing in the second round of March Fagness. Get in there.


What would you do for a Klondike bar?


Stand Alone Fruit
I think I figured out the angle for @IGotATreeOnMyHouse85 ’s bit with this. We should be texting Rick to make sure to vote for himself. Voting is an important right to practice.
That was my intention, seeing Pat’s oinks about voting and that awful VOTE shirt we should remind Pat voting is very important, even if it’s for goofy polls that are related to Pat being a fat loser, a big faggot, and Pat not knowing what he’s talking about.


Why is Michael Rapaport on there? He slapped the shit out of that walking Nazi propaganda poster Ari Shaffir and that's pretty cool in my book.

Did he commit some form of faggotry that I haven't been made aware of? If so please enlighten me brothermen.


I Am Racist Man Leader of the Digital Ku Klux Klan
Why is Michael Rapaport on there? He slapped the shit out of that walking Nazi propaganda poster Ari Shaffir and that's pretty cool in my book.

Did he commit some form of faggotry that I haven't been made aware of? If so please enlighten me brothermen.
Wigger Herpes is the walking definition of what a fag is