Our Cow Will Be Leaving Us Soon

I hope these heroes are in the audience for his first nautical extravaganza!



For the last time, I am NOT Frank Grimes!
If my management signed me off on a four month cruise gig, I'd fire them and then kill myself.

I've had and seen my share of hellish obligations, be it hellish pubs, local events, even that godawful performance with Genesis in Italy. I don't think I could ever be paid enough to do that stint. To me, that's a sign the allowance flow has dried up.

Mark my words, the bovine will be keelhauled before the start of the second month.


congrats to brother joe! now people from all over the world will get to experience the solo joe show! i'm so jealous of all the people who get to sail the seven seas while listening to brother joe sing! Maybe AntH should have cut off his residual checks earlier because it has really made him much more ambitious with his career!


If my management signed me off on a four month cruise gig, I'd fire them and then kill myself.

I've had and seen my share of hellish obligations, be it hellish pubs, local events, even that godawful performance with Genesis in Italy. I don't think I could ever be paid enough to do that stint. To me, that's a sign the allowance flow has dried up.

Mark my words, the bovine will be keelhauled before the start of the second month.
Sib actually died on a cruise ship. he was banging on the drums and had a heart attack. they even defibed him and the ship doctor was there quick but it was too late. makes me worried about brother joe with his heart problems!


The Backbone of America
I’d be just staring at him with my mouth ajar. Kinda like this:
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Fun fact: this was taken from a promotional video for Dawn's wedding officiating business.

While a woman is walking down the aisle on her wedding day, there is a pock faced old bum wearing a blazer over a Sons of Anarchy t shirt and a U.S. Airborne baseball cap playing fucking Layla in the background.