Ooga is bragging about his Law degree



That's Kenya not Nigeria, dumbass.

[URL='https://www.nbcnews.com/think/opinion/covid-19-disrupted-education-around-world-how-i-survived-when-ncna1252448']Vere are your papers, Ekpeki?!?[/URL]

I'm curious about these two separate law schools they apparently have, so [URL='https://unilag.edu.ng/?page_id=1946']let's take a look at them:[/URL]

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Well, I'm convinced. Nothing like having your senior faculty staff in witness protection to really instil confidence.

Now, let's see if we can [URL='https://records.unilag.edu.ng/']confirm his degree:[/URL]

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Does anyone else's university have a giant fucking scam warning pop up when you go to their website? No? I wonder if that kind of culture is the reason it's so hard for Nigerians to get visas to other countries.

You can apparently verify his degree if you're brave enough to enter your credit card into a Nigerian website and wait 24-48 hours while they buy progressively tackier shit off Aliexpress until they hit your credit limit. It's funny, my university has a QR Code I can show to an employer to verify it instantly for free, but maybe QR codes haven't reached Nigeria yet.TBH, I'd be surprised it Covid's reached them yet.
Brotherman, brotherman, Kenya, Nigeria, Zimbabwae, Watts, Harlem, or Scarborough, what difference does it make?


bury the dead, they stink up the joint
"Now I'm not a fancy big city lawyer like my esteemed adversary here, but it seems to me that the law was made for humans & not humans for the law!"

Court room erupts into clapping and cheering. Team of suited lawyers hang their heads in shame. Judge bangs his gavel and shouts "Case dismissed!"

Honey Badger

My father has no penis
I recognized the chorus but those lyrics seem pretty bad and don’t seem to rhyme much.
Rap lyrics don’t often rhyme on paper because it’s more about how the individual pronounces it.

There’s a guy named Willie D whose voice is so retardedly southern that he somehow rhymed “sword” with “paranoid.”

Don’t know why I’m telling you this


I Am Racist Man Leader of the Digital Ku Klux Klan
Shut up, Ooga. Your diploma is useless.
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Background in Law? You refused to get a job after you graduated which took longer to get because you’re an idiot.
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Worry about your own country, stupid.
"making laws against killing babies increases infant mortality.

You fucking retarded Hamgalaxy.

Of course Ooga follows up by saying something even more patently retarded

of course, you fucking Moon Cricket, them charging her for burning a premature fetus was a conspiracy by the law. Eat shit. Wait that's just what they do in Nigeria..

Uncle Anthony Cumia

Hot tubs, guns and slack jawed brothers
That's Kenya not Nigeria, dumbass.

Vere are your papers, Ekpeki?!?

I'm curious about these two separate law schools they apparently have, so let's take a look at them:

View attachment 136755

Well, I'm convinced. Nothing like having your senior faculty staff in witness protection to really instil confidence.

Now, let's see if we can confirm his degree:

View attachment 136756
Does anyone else's university have a giant fucking scam warning pop up when you go to their website? No? I wonder if that kind of culture is the reason it's so hard for Nigerians to get visas to other countries.

You can apparently verify his degree if you're brave enough to enter your credit card into a Nigerian website and wait 24-48 hours while they buy progressively tackier shit off Aliexpress until they hit your credit limit. It's funny, my university has a QR Code I can show to an employer to verify it instantly for free, but maybe QR codes haven't reached Nigeria yet.TBH, I'd be surprised it Covid's reached them yet.
We know how trustworthy Nigerians are with credit card numbers. Aliexpress must make a fortune off ignorant Americans handing out their AmEx in Lagos.

Uncle Anthony Cumia

Hot tubs, guns and slack jawed brothers
Can someone ask him what the technical term is for the way those power cables are rigged.
It’s a certain kind of rigging. Can’t remember what word comes before “rigging” in the technical description. Think it’s the word before Jim in Huckleberry Finn. If only I could remember…


Dan doesn't have a penis. I. Do.
Didn't he just write his name in biro on a photocopy of something he printed off the internet?


Harry Powell

That's Kenya not Nigeria, dumbass.

Vere are your papers, Ekpeki?!?

I'm curious about these two separate law schools they apparently have, so let's take a look at them:

View attachment 136755

Well, I'm convinced. Nothing like having your senior faculty staff in witness protection to really instil confidence.

Now, let's see if we can confirm his degree:

View attachment 136756
Does anyone else's university have a giant fucking scam warning pop up when you go to their website? No? I wonder if that kind of culture is the reason it's so hard for Nigerians to get visas to other countries.

You can apparently verify his degree if you're brave enough to enter your credit card into a Nigerian website and wait 24-48 hours while they buy progressively tackier shit off Aliexpress until they hit your credit limit. It's funny, my university has a QR Code I can show to an employer to verify it instantly for free, but maybe QR codes haven't reached Nigeria yet.TBH, I'd be surprised it Covid's reached them yet.
I think my Apple Card lets me make a one off credit number that expires. I’ll do this to fact check his degree