Ooga is bragging about his Law degree

Dennis Denuto

It's the vibe
He's fat, you see.


Glow nigger. Got any of those IPs for me?
I can see it, we saw how angry he got at Leslie, Ooga is a def still a virgin which explains why he gets so upset when women don’t do what he says.
His father wasn't after they raped him to death and the whole village fucked his decapitated head for not trading 6 seagull wings to get him back. Then they had to throw what was left in the back of the fish van.


What you Torquin 'bout Wheelers


What would you do for a Klondike bar?

That's Kenya not Nigeria, dumbass.

Vere are your papers, Ekpeki?!?
Then my papers mysteriously went missing in a mischievous law program at the University of Lagos in Nigeria notorious for admitting more students than it could accommodate and failing them irrespective of their actual performance.
Eventually, on my third attempt, through sheer stubbornness and persistence — what you need as a Nigerian to succeed in a system eager to chew you up and spit you out with nothing — I began studying law at the University of Lagos through a more reliable program.
I'm curious about these two separate law schools they apparently have, so let's take a look at them:


Well, I'm convinced. Nothing like having your senior faculty staff in witness protection to really instil confidence.

Now, let's see if we can confirm his degree:


Does anyone else's university have a giant fucking scam warning pop up when you go to their website? No? I wonder if that kind of culture is the reason it's so hard for Nigerians to get visas to other countries.

You can apparently verify his degree if you're brave enough to enter your credit card into a Nigerian website and wait 24-48 hours while they buy progressively tackier shit off Aliexpress until they hit your credit limit. It's funny, my university has a QR Code I can show to an employer to verify it instantly for free, but maybe QR codes haven't reached Nigeria yet.TBH, I'd be surprised it Covid's reached them yet.