Duh, yes I don't remember the genesis of the Panera bit, that was obviously said without irony.
Yes I guess you're nearing 40 which makes my wife younger. As for being potentially younger, then you must be pretty boring for a 20-35 year old, I come back after 8 hours away to more of your flattery. The irony is, as Fatrick as it is to answer you, it's doubly Fatrick for you to literally reply in 20 minutes to my reply, of an 8 hour old post of yours. Whose faggotry is worse, is for the masses to see, but I'm boring of you and the nigger. Get some better bit or I'm not playing much longer. I stand by my assessment that a lot of faggots here don't ever direct contact the pig for lols, and seem afraid of him to some degree. Maybe I'm wrong, doesn't much matter, nor make much sense to give you reasoning since you're an AAA plus homo, but there it was.
I would gladly display a picture of my wife to a person I personally knew who wasn't part of our rouges gallery of deviance. You start with the slob you bed down first and maybe I'll change my mind.
As for hating "boomers", I'm not a boomer, I play along with that here for expedience. You literally hate an age demographic that varies across every other spectrum in a more evenly dispersed way than most demographics, since age encompasses every single person, unlike race, color, religion, or sex. Philosophically you're a moron just for making that statement. I hope you kill yourself before 55 if it is their age , or is it their birth year that bothers you, it's hard to know, when looking at such abject stupidity. I can't access what you are, a 40 something failure to launch gen x'er, a millennial, or some 20 year old, which seems the most unlikely. My guess is 37, under-employed, gamer pussy, never played a sport, something like pig, without the super-inflated ego and full on narcissism. In truth, I don't really care, but you do seem terminally shallow and very pissed I played in your sand-box. So what would you like me to do? Does it really matter what we think of one another? Unlike the majority here, I used my real IP on a real machine with my MAC visible, I don't use Tor either. I literally want Fatso to find me, I'm not taking potshots out of fear, but rather to not make it easy on them. I post all of my convos with him that have any good content, I made a fool at of the twink lawyer to the point where he was bragging about their 270k (I forget now if that was the amount, but close enough) award for somebody. I don't catalogue other user's actions, but what have you done that's better than direct contact where Pig kept making new catchphrases? Feel free to let me know; or don't, not a big deal either way. Now, I'm being honest, I can't imagine what drives butthurt fools to comment negatively on another user? Of course I'm responding to you negatively, but I wouldn't seek you out to do it if not for the obsessing on me rather than our target. I now get automatic down ribs from several people, I love it. I love that you're so pissed that an "old man" could enjoy battering a daughter abandoning, fat, deranged, commie ,unemployed, layabout who thinks he has a PhD in everything. He represents everything I despise, you on the other hand represent the angst of trying to find an identity, like when a band you found before it became popular suddenly gets popular and plays the same stuff, but you insist they changed because others now know them. I hope you can stop acting like some genius and just enjoy the ride, but if you can't keep having at me, your life must suck if you need to do this instead of focusing on Pat. In the other forum somebody suggested Dre has aliases, maybe that's what you are.