Oh no! Pat can’t go to MLB spring training!


Also the players all seem to be friends now, I remember Lenny Dykstra taking about how back then the teams always had that “we’re brothers and if you fuck with any of us we’ll clear the bench” and that dedication hasn’t been seen in years. You watch old games and you can see the players mouthing all kinds of nasty shit at each other now it’s like they all go to their rooms after the game and eat milk and cookies together.

They have been doing that for awhile, child.


I Am Racist Man Leader of the Digital Ku Klux Klan
Also the players all seem to be friends now, I remember Lenny Dykstra taking about how back then the teams always had that “we’re brothers and if you fuck with any of us we’ll clear the bench” and that dedication hasn’t been seen in years. You watch old games and you can see the players mouthing all kinds of nasty shit at each other now it’s like they all go to their rooms after the game and eat milk and cookies together.
I remember when Manny Ramirez was playing for the Indians; he got beaned and the camera went right on him and you could see him clear as day mouth "Motherfucker" at the pitcher




Compare today:




Crumbly feta is not God's Plan
Also the players all seem to be friends now, I remember Lenny Dykstra taking about how back then the teams always had that “we’re brothers and if you fuck with any of us we’ll clear the bench” and that dedication hasn’t been seen in years. You watch old games and you can see the players mouthing all kinds of nasty shit at each other now it’s like they all go to their rooms after the game and eat milk and cookies together.
I remember watching a Mets game as a kid and someone hit Tim Teufel with a pitch and Darryl Strawberry charged the mound from the dugout. I'm sure the coke had something to do with it but you never see things like that anymore. These pussies just get up on the top step of the dugout and talk shit.


He wasn't gonna go. He just wanted to virtue signal on Twitter.
He was setting up the poor Patty story so he could post that shut the fuck up about higher gas prices tweet. And if anyone called him a stupid ass (which obviously there's no debating that) he could point to this tweet and go look I'm making sacrifices.

He is such a jerk off.


Females arent funny
Going to spring training seems like a father/son type activity. Since you abandoned your child, child and your father was notorious around MKE as a rump ranger I question where you got the idea for this activity let alone the funding.