Official "Embarrassing PM's sent to Dan" thread.





The gunslinger.
Jesus Christ already, big deal a few people become friends around a hobby, it's OK. Not everybody needs to play the gloomy, disaffected rebel that hates both the left and right and the active and passive members in lit crit. Grow up, we literally have spent weeks hurling insults and I'm beginning to think a few posters are "friends" of Pat not just brooding emo typs like @ChildSpitTake or @NoBaconEggCheese. Sue me if I'm wrong, but the forum is funnier when the focus is on the targets that it was created for, at least IMO. Now have at me, the fat, boomer, illiterate with the fat kids, who at least isn't broke like some of my biggest fans are lol.

Shut up, stupid.