Official "Embarrassing PM's sent to Dan" thread.

I think she worded it strangely but @captain_kamala was implying Dan has sent embarrassing DMs or something, maybe dick pics? And thus he won’t flip on the girls because they have their own dirt. Maybe I’m wrong.
I thought she intended to write "he's". That's fucking hilarious. She'll spill the beans eventually, we just have to wait for her to be drugged up and have a grapefruit shandy. She'll expose it just like she did Stu's standup.


Keyboard Warrior
Can't tell if this a bit or not but I can't look away. This is how you executive produce, Dan child.
Not a bit. Dan really MOTHERFUCKED ME



12 paramedics couldnt save ur fuckin life boy
lol, no. I was actually giving him a heads up to delete a post where he gave something Apostlegate-related away before it was ready. No biggie.

Post the thirsty DMs already you withholding bitch! Here I'll write one now.

Hey Mew! Great appearance on the podcast the other day, you're really funny, especially for a girl. Listen, I know you can handle yourself, but if this Niki's Prolapsed Anus asshole ever gets you down with his dumb shit, you can always talk to me. Don't hesitate to reach out, as a friend, nothing more 🙂. Hope all is well on the farm! P.S. I'm sorry I called you a withholding bitch earlier on the forums, I'm just messing around 😜

Just post the DM that best matches that energy.