Obscura: True Crime Podcast is doing an episode on SFWA’s pedophilia - Paul Weimar mentioned

The Greaseman

Slingin' lead!



Nice For Here
Pat: Anything associated with Nazis, who must be prosecuted, is automatically ruined by association, even retroactively ruining official documents that pre-date their existence by 7 years.

Also Pat: I get a lil' cashew boner over anything related to America's space program, which was made possible by actual Nazis who evaded prosecution

*points at temple*

Duxbury Dave

The Ringleader


"Unborn"--My only complaint is he threatened to wait until Annabelle was born so he could murder her in front of Adrienne. That's some next-level sociopathy.
I said it at the time so I’m repeating myself, I’m sorry, but that’s the extra little detail that made it credible. That wasn’t just shit talk, it’s a pattern with threats to turn out to be real, there are those added details that show that serious thought has been put into it and it’s not an offhand comment.

Humans have an incredible instinct for this sort of thing, and what’s her face was visibly shaken when talking to the police. Unless she’s a fantastic actress. Not only a fantastic actress, but in on some kind of plot to frame Patrick.

Her instincts lit up like a switchboard and I have no doubt in my mind it was that added detail that set off her alarm.

He fucking meant it. I’m not saying this as some kind of bit - he fucking meant it. He had thought about it. 99 times out of 100 if you’re getting that vibe from a human being it’s real. We are wired that way. We can tell. Even children have that instinct, they know when someone is no good. It’s not just a meme that these people have a look in their eyes, or a certain way that they smile, that sets you off. It’s our built in warning system.

Going to repeat myself on something else, too. He hasn’t yet done the worst thing he’s ever going to do. I wish I was kidding. He is unwell and absolutely would get violent with someone he thinks he can physically dominate. The fact that he’s a coward doesn’t change that.

All the warning signs are there. Substance abuse. Belligerence. Obsessive behavior. Language is violent, vividly. His fantasies are violent, vividly. Cowards can have violent tendencies when contemplating someone smaller, weaker, unaware and unarmed, someone he knows he can hurt.

I wish I weren’t so sure about this.