Nigger Hate Thread #1

Uncle Floyd

Nice try, Floyd.
This is one of the funniest stories I've ever seen. It's old but I missed it:

Some dude told these niggers that a river was circular and they hopped on lazy river inner tubes and went down it. Hours passed and the niggers realized that the river probably wasn't really circular.
"Grabinski said the women did not know the individual who offered the faulty advice, and no one has come forward to claim credit"


I just had a dream I was in some black chick’s apartment. I was then woke up out of a sound sleep at 3:30 in the morning to the sound of a smoke alarm low battery chirp down two flights of stairs and on the complete other side of the house. I’m a very heavy sleeper and even then I was compelled to immediately fix it half asleep. How the fuck do niggers live with this shit and sleep through it???


Stand Alone Fruit
If blacks invented math, how could this possibly happen?

Must be due to whypipo.

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How much do you want to bet these kids get As and Bs in their math classes at school?
I wouldn’t be surprised if schools fight to remove grades because it’s racist / hurts black people / etc. which sounds crazy but we’ve seen some crazy claims - my favorite being n persons can’t be responsible for ever being on time.

But plenty of white liberals have been fighting to make black history required! Since that is very important thing to know for your future career!
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