Nigger Hate Thread #1

Build Black Better

Just say no to crack but yes to parmesan
English lad with balls VS pack of cowardly niggers. Hole, get out of the way. Lucky she didn't get her fella killed
Typical aggressive nigger behavior, just loudly repeating the same phrase over and over again inches from the other person's face, like a broken record. Their underdeveloped brains can't compose more than one short primitive sentence once they have chimped out. Even my little parrot repeats shit less than a triggered nigger.


Typical aggressive nigger behavior, just loudly repeating the same phrase over and over again inches from the other person's face, like a broken record. Their underdeveloped brains can't compose more than one short primitive sentence once they have chimped out. Even my little parrot repeats shit less than a triggered nigger.
I would have loved to have seen a fair 1 on 1 fight btw the English boy and the lead chimp. He would have smashed him up. Fat chance of that happening though with the rest of the troop around


Gen Z Boss And A Mini
I assume you mean very educated as in they received an affirmative action Masters or PhD, like the Gay president of Harvard who finally got kicked out due to her incompetency and plagiarism (along with her antisemitism, which is her only redeeming quality). I've never seen any negro act or sound very educated.

Also, please refrain from being an AP Style Manual laborer and don't capitalize the word black.
Very educated, talented tenth -- it's a spectrum maaaaaan. It's all relative to Whites.

AP style is to capitalize everything but White, and I think you'll see I'm vurrry good about capitalizing White. I don't always capitalize Nigger.

Build Black Better

Just say no to crack but yes to parmesan


🤣 Which one of you racist misogynist funsters is TheGREATbabalooo on the Daily Mail? @aRTie02150? I know you're a fan of that rag just like I am. I wish I could say it was me.


Gen Z Boss And A Mini
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Cartoon Redux

I'm still a child, child.