Yeah, there are plenty of explanations given in this thread that explain part of the problem, but I think what you are sensing is what I am sensing, which is that he is in cognitive decline. He’s absolutely not the same person. He is so much slower than he was even five years ago. So much more disconnected and less funny. It’s not just booze, it’s not just the Xanax, it’s not just his insecurity, it’s not just his age. He can barely follow a train of thought. He’s in mental decline.
I think it's obvious too. The all-night booze, gaming and tweet-fests are hastening it, as is his overall childish lifestyle, but he's definitely spiraling into some form of dementia. He's trying to do some sort of free-form, stream of consciousness riffing here, but all he can manage are some nigger jokes and resorting to goofing on what the audience is wearing, which is pretty funny coming from a guy who wears the exact same clothes for months on end.

I assume that everyone in Nana's inner circle, from his "comic" pals to his beard, are well aware of his diminished cognitive capacity, and are constantly goading him into doing what's best for them, in the hope of profiting as much as possible before he ends up in a rest home hooting and holeeeeeeeeshitting over Andy Griffith reruns on MeTV. "DabblerFest"'s just so deeply embarrassing. He continues to live in NY and pay rent in order to be close to his idiotic "show", which is little more than a platform for low-level comic club grifters, and his alleged "girlfriend" is luxuriating in the SC house he paid for, without the screaming imbecile keeping her up all night with his braying. Meanwhile, Nana is like Ozzy, they just give him another fresh beer and point him in the direction they want him to go.


Powdered Toast Man
Jimmy “And then after his hat was removed he got an extra chromosome and Pete Rose showed up and gave him a haircut and fucked his ass and shit in his mouth and spilled period blood - which of course was HIV positive - and then he leaned over and clutched his chest and Godfather Tomatoes and an abortion but he did have a nice cock and his wife was raped and had a meaty puss!”
You forgot to mention after clutching his chest, hitting his head on the coffee table like William Holden. But accurate nonetheless.

Ha Ha Ha Holeee Shit!

I’ve got a tree on my plane.
No, The Big Jay Roast was worse because it was so uncomfortable. This was just not funny. I dont know what all the ballwashers were laughing at. All he can talk about is blacks and trannies.
You’re absolutely right, what made it worse during Big Jay, was he was playing to a room full of comics. Here, he was playing for the home team, his own unsophisticated fanbase.
You’re absolutely right, what made it worse during Big Jay, was he was playing to a room full of comics. Here, he was playing for the home team, his own unsophisticated fanbase.
The Big Jay incident was also him completely unaware he was going to flop, and reacting to the bombing in real time. Say what you will about his subsequent attempts, he approaches it with a little more humility now. Cocksucker really thought 5 minutes of "Derosa and the Nigs" shit was going to slay and genuinely ( :image_9248: ) confused that it didn't.


It died on the vine
Not only is everyone here correct about it being mental decline, it's important to note that it's already too late to change something and try to stop it. It was likely too late 5 years ago.

When that wet brain starts to hit, a person has to quit drinking and start eating right and get on some meds immediately, even then you're going to get someone who is always just slightly off, a bit forgetful.

Anthony looks like a literal monster, an imp. I can't even imagine what aches and pains his guts are giving him right now. His fluids are probably all pitch black at this point, or green or dark red.

It's also weird that he's doing the maintenance drinking with shitty beer this far into his addiction. Usually people switch to the hard shit to make the shakes go away, but I guess that Bud Light keeps his girlish figure intact. Redbar showed his reaction to drinking a shot and you'd have thought he was shown an adult woman's vagina with how he twitched away from it.

The worst part is he's not a funny drunk. Almost anyone becomes funnier when they drink. This is probably indicative of some shoddily repressed homosexuality.
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That is not how oopsie doodles works, atalker
How can someone who is so good at riffing off the top of his head on the radio (yes because I'm giving credit where it's due) be so horrific at prepared stand-up? This is Jim Norton, Amy Schumer level bad.

And this is coming from a guy who openly admits that I enjoyed Dane Cook back in the day.
He was never really all that good at riffing off the top of his head on the radio. They'd have entire conversations pre-planned (The Opester let this slip on more than one occasion), the studio guys would feed him lines from instant feedback, he'd get lines from Paltalk, etc.

He could do some voices, that's about it in terms of comedic talent; beyond that, he was being funny next to Opie which is like being tall next to Verne Troyer.
The WATP fanbase all sincerely think nana is a comic genius
I'm convinced all of them are actually autistic, and don't even truly "get" jokes, but AntH and the CP gang say things in a funny way that they enjoy.

Like how Nostalgia Critic and all his underlings just made faces and screamed, and that was somehow a huge internet cultural thing for like ten years? Same idea. Just make humor-like gestures, and it's effectively the same shit as a good joke.
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