Nazi artist redecorates Rick's Rustang

Brooke Shields

Patrick Tomlinson hates me because I am a woman
It's a sample can, child.
Sorry I'm not tank crewman.

And I know this isn't those paint sample papers, but what is this stuff behind his hand?


It would be hilarious if something like what I'm implying actually happened, but still I don't know what those are
fingerprint and DNA on the can will be detected, child
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I hope they catch whoever did this, because it's the funniest outcome. Hate crime charges INCOMING
If the evidence was "turned over" then why is he holding the can inside the half-hovel for his social media photo-op? Why would the cops let him tamper with evidence with his bare hands inside the hovel and away from the crime scene?


Joe's Filipino Supervisor
he publicly shames the innocent lesbian couple that were tricked into taking the chairs by posting the cctv image but not this Nazi piece of shit that damaged his property? 🤔

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how convenient that it's someone COMPLETELY NEW to the funster pack and not an established account, never ever interacted with anyone but Pat knows it's from "the cult". Not associated with the multiple attacks he claims the have received pre-Norm/11.

in any case I hope Susan is ruined
Also his name isn't a play on any Patverse characters.
This one is so corny and obviously phony