Nazi artist redecorates Rick's Rustang

Faggot Boqposter

The Alawite Assassin
So they threw a can of nazi paint at your car, but none of it landed on the Mustang, just in the driveway.

Another classic example of attempted property damage with no actual property damage that Patrick would have to pay for. Crazy how this always happens.
Ya we suck at this! I guess Rick knows we’re all white so we don’t know how to do vandalism properly.


Maybe stop getting into arguments with random people about Israel and Gaza online?

Dave Smith was the image Pat used for Fooey? It’s like he’s not even trying. Know your O&A lore, Pat! No brotherman would choose Dave.


I hope people Ouija you tweets after your dead
Is any of it on the Rustang? Why are there no photos of damage to the Rustang?

Where is the hovel's security camera footage?

Did he call the cops? Did he file a police report?

Why is he tampering with crime scene evidence?
This is all extremely strange. Why would he not post a picture of the car? And yeah, why would he touch the paint can?

Did he do this?

in any case I hope Susan is ruined
How could you tell?


12 paramedics couldnt save ur fuckin life boy
Let's play Devil's Advocate here. Assume Patrick is 100% innocent, and some kiwi zoomer from nearby drove to the hovel and chucked a can of paint in his driveway. A paint can with nazi sayings and imagery all over it, which could bump it up to a hate crime and carry a more significant penalty.

What does Patrick do?



:image_9251_m: No officer I touched it because I needed to document it on social media. Obviously I wouldn't throw a can of paint in my driveway for attention so I can be immediately ruled out as a suspect.

Brooke Shields

Patrick Tomlinson hates me because I am a woman
They make 3 inch cans of paint?

Jeez that's a kinda oddly specific size and color, wonder if they can look up hardware stores around the area from someone buying that specific can...
I mean, you'd think the cops would do that with the weird "stlaker" thing he has going on, the nazi symbols are definitely weird(but are they saying he's the nazi) and also it doesn't help that the paint didn't actually hit his very valuable car.

I wonder if Thomas Apostle has it in him to query local stores. (I doubt they can actually say someone specifically bought some, just if they have it)