Movies people say are great, but actually suck


The Backbone of America
I think i'm the only person in the world who didn't like Die Hard.

First of all, they were cowards to make the bad guys white Germans. Really? I get that you don't want to offend the suicide bombers, but Germans? People from Iowa are more believable as terrorists.

Also the whole "the entirety of law enforcement, city, state, and federal, are all completely retarded except for this one beat cop" thing was stupid. Although I did like the cop character himself.

Now that I think about it, Die Hard 3 was a way, way better movie.
I also don't like Die Hard and people treat me like a fucking nigger for it.


#1 Poster
Why's it called die hard when the people die easy?

goo gobbler

go to mass
Original dawn of the dead, boring as fuck, the remake shits all over it
really? i hate the remake and watch the original around Halloween every year. i'll give you that the beginning is a slog to sit through though. only redeemable quality is the fat SWAT guy's line about puerto ricans.


don't call me scarface


There's no doubt he has a gift for writing entertaining dialogue, but he also clearly has no one telling him "that sucks, maybe try it another way." His movies have been masturbatory since the first Kill Bill.

Jackie Brown is probably my favourite of his. Reservoir Dogs and Pulp Fiction are good too. His scripts for From Dusk Till Dawn and True Romance are great too. Everything else he's done is self-indulgent, in my opinion.
Have to admit I have never seen true romance. I've seen the moors scene. But dusk till dawn is one of my favorite bored Saturday night movies to put on.


All the Star Wars movies suck. Kotor 1 and 2 were the only good stories in the entire fag wars universe.
I feel like I'm the only fuckin' person in the world that recognizes Star Wars as a children's franchise.

It's great when you're a kid. It sucks when you're an adult. It even has a billion toys to buy, because the whole thing plays out like an extended toy commercial. It has every hallmark of being a children's franchise.


Still spreading the O&A virus
I think i'm the only person in the world who didn't like Die Hard.

First of all, they were cowards to make the bad guys white Germans. Really? I get that you don't want to offend the suicide bombers, but Germans? People from Iowa are more believable as terrorists.
They were mostly White in the book and far more retarded. They were environmental terrorists who were protesting against global warming. Also in the movie one of the robbers is clearly a gook, one is Italian, and another is an American nigger. It was a grab bag of random villains.

In the book John McClain is trying to save his daughter who dies when she and Hans Gruber fall out of a window. He loses his mind and begins hunting down and murdering the terrorists out of revenge. One of the terrorists knows he is going to die and shoots a bunch of hostages in retaliation before getting killed. Book ends with McClain being disarmed by police and wondering how many hostage deaths he'll be blamed for.
Also the whole "the entirety of law enforcement, city, state, and federal, are all completely retarded except for this one beat cop" thing was stupid. Although I did like the cop character himself.
This is how every cop movie or action cop movie is. You have the super hero level detective or cop and everyone else is practically brain dead or comatose and completely useless. So that the main character can solve the entire case in the end and be the big hero to the audience. Sometimes this is played backwards and you get stuff like Silence of the Lambs where the main detective is incompetent and gets played by the villain.