Movies people say are great, but actually suck


★ ★ ★ ★ ☆

* An hour too long,
* Pointless romances so nobody looked gay (backfired)
* Ridiculous shoot-out, probably one of the worst shoot out scenes ever put on camera. Even Arnie reloaded once in a while
* Predictable ending
* Terrible acting all round, but especially from Al Pacino
Almost every Nolan film. They're so overrated and unfocused. The worst thing about them is the unanimous opinion : "oh that's genious !". Is it ?
Also, Hans Zimmer in Nolan movies. He nowhere near John Barry, John Williams or Maurice Jarre levels of competency.


Give Me Some Money
Any Coen brothers movie. I can see why people like them but I just don't like their style of filmmaking for some reason. Burn After Reading is better than people say.

Single Action Army

We ain't goon hooligans we Maloonigans
Inglorious Bastards is the most blatant, embarrassing kike revenge porn film ever. I don't even particularly like Nazis, but the fact film after film comes out propping them up as these "extremely scary evil people but paradoxically retarded idiots" every time is so exhausting. You'd think Germans would care more if they Allies didn't cuck their people into oblivion.

In retrospect I don't like most Tarantino films. Pulp Fiction is probably the only one that doesn't feel insufferably obnoxious or patronizing at this point. You love jews, niggers, and feet, we get it.

And Leo D is terrible in everything he's in. He's just a cultural figure like the Rock or something. His co-actors always act circles around him in everything.


Inglorious Bastards is the most blatant, embarrassing kike revenge porn film ever. I don't even particularly like Nazis, but the fact film after film comes out propping them up as these "extremely scary evil people but paradoxically retarded idiots" every time is so exhausting. You'd think Germans would care more if they Allies didn't cuck their people into oblivion.

In retrospect I don't like most Tarantino films. Pulp Fiction is probably the only one that doesn't feel insufferably obnoxious or patronizing at this point. You love jews, niggers, and feet, we get it.

And Leo D is terrible in everything he's in. He's just a cultural figure like the Rock or something. His co-actors always act circles around him in everything.
I'm with you. Pulp fiction is the only one I like. I had a buddy tell me kill Bill was awesome and it bored the fuck out of me. I love kurt Russell and death proof sucked. That being said he wrote dusk till dawn and that was awesome.


Inglorious Bastards is the most blatant, embarrassing kike revenge porn film ever. I don't even particularly like Nazis, but the fact film after film comes out propping them up as these "extremely scary evil people but paradoxically retarded idiots" every time is so exhausting. You'd think Germans would care more if they Allies didn't cuck their people into oblivion.

In retrospect I don't like most Tarantino films. Pulp Fiction is probably the only one that doesn't feel insufferably obnoxious or patronizing at this point. You love jews, niggers, and feet, we get it.

And Leo D is terrible in everything he's in. He's just a cultural figure like the Rock or something. His co-actors always act circles around him in everything.
That movie would've been so less retarded with the subplot of the Jewish girl starting to fall for the famous sniper Nazi, because it had confliction and forbidden romance and tension. But Tarantino is an overrated moron who worked for Weinstein so their final scene is him turning into an aggressive rapist for no reason and shooting her after she shoots him. Biggest what the fuck moment I've ever seen in a movie.


In retrospect I don't like most Tarantino films. Pulp Fiction is probably the only one that doesn't feel insufferably obnoxious or patronizing at this point.
There's no doubt he has a gift for writing entertaining dialogue, but he also clearly has no one telling him "that sucks, maybe try it another way." His movies have been masturbatory since the first Kill Bill.

Jackie Brown is probably my favourite of his. Reservoir Dogs and Pulp Fiction are good too. His scripts for From Dusk Till Dawn and True Romance are great too. Everything else he's done is self-indulgent, in my opinion.


Not a movie, but you know who else got Nolan syndrome and went up their own asses? The writers of Westworld after season 1 was a hit. That went from good to pretentious quick.
It might sound stupid, but I think Westworld would have been better if the show was just about the regular functioning of the park.

We follow different guests go on cowboy adventures and also get subplots of the behind the scenes shit. No “deep” stories, metaphors, or messages. Just give me a cowboy amusement park.


It might sound stupid, but I think Westworld would have been better if the show was just about the regular functioning of the park.

We follow different guests go on cowboy adventures and also get subplots of the behind the scenes shit. No “deep” stories, metaphors, or messages. Just give me a cowboy amusement park.
I definitely could have got behind that concept.