Movies people say are great, but actually suck


black suit and a smile
:egiqrnz: Karate Island.

I think i'm the only person in the world who didn't like Die Hard.

First of all, they were cowards to make the bad guys white Germans. Really? I get that you don't want to offend the suicide bombers, but Germans? People from Iowa are more believable as terrorists.

Also the whole "the entirety of law enforcement, city, state, and federal, are all completely retarded except for this one beat cop" thing was stupid. Although I did like the cop character himself.

Now that I think about it, Die Hard 3 was a way, way better movie.

The Talking Dead

I'm close to death! Hahahaha hooooooly shit!!
We already did this thread I think but it was in radio crit (for some reason)

Fight Club. Taxi Driver. The Departed. Oppenheimer.

I agree with the last two, especially Oppenheimer. Nolan has disappeared so far up his own ass these days. It's very clear he's just allowed to do whatever he wants because his movies make money. How the fuck is it interesting for a huge chunk of the movie to be in courtrooms and little offices deliberating a load of who-gives-a-fuck details about whether the guy is allowed to have a say in US nuclear policy. Also the actual nuke scene was shite.


Jaws. It doesn't suck, but it hasn't dated well, and take Robert Shaw out of it and it's Jaws 2 just shot better. I appreciate it was a landmark tent pole picture etc, but it's overrated imo.
I believe it was the first Summer blockbuster. Studios used to put dogshit out in tge Summer, because the thinking was, people on vacation wouldn't want to see movies in the theater. Jaws changed all of that.

I actually like tge pacing of Jaws, however, I could see where modern audiences would be bored after awhile as it takes a bit to get to the plot.