More accusations, I think he copy/pasted this one from about a week ago. He's fucking losing it.


Dan doesn't have a penis. I. Do.
It was that faggot i posted about. Anti swatter cocksucker.

Bert should appeal. Every day for a week, maybe more. Mention self-harm. Itll be restored.
Bert has appealed but since he doesn't know which fake email address he used to sign up with it's not looking good. They also didn't even mention any reason why so that's a bit weird. I didn't see you mention that anti-swatter guy but since Bert spent about an hour explaining Pat to him last night that's definitely most likely what happened. Something about that guy doesn't seem quite right.


Shane Noakes' rabbi raped his 9 year old dick off.
Bert has appealed but since he doesn't know which fake email address he used to sign up with it's not looking good. They also didn't even mention any reason why so that's a bit weird. I didn't see you mention that anti-swatter guy but since Bert spent about an hour explaining Pat to him last night that's definitely most likely what happened. Something about that guy doesn't seem quite right.
Yeah he had posted reporting P@T on his timeline before he followed P@T. Guessing kike faggot is his real name and his hobby is nigger cocks.


View attachment 70216

He did copy/paste, what a retard. He's losing track of what accusations he's already leveled at us:

View attachment 70217
Physical stalking - friendly polack drinking a beer at local stank hole

Death threats - the kind he makes daily on said bird site but also revels in counting the dramatically inflated amount he’s received

Bomb threats - see SpaceEdge and the Governor’s streamable vid on this PFG site

Telephone threats - where the pig man actively engages and mimics exactly what his imaginary stalkers are saying

Identity theft and mail fraud - either proven or not a felony in the first case. In this instance Mr. LaVergne help a cracka out

Computer hacking - hopefully eventually solved as SirEatsALot has infiltrated our home countless times no doubt frightening Carol though unfortunately not to the point she needs me to cuddle with her under the blankets. Actually, you’re the one who is gay.

Financial crimes - see PaTrick’s wet brain

SwaTTINg - see obvious reality before viewing Edge’s recent master work.

Edit: sorry M, kinda figured identity theft might be worse after all though obviously less likely.


Used Boomia's pic from here.

I'm shadowbanned or all the brothamen are too because I don't see anyone's tweets even though I follow them.

Have to watch the forums to see which new engagements to jump into to share the lore of Patrick, the fat faggot with bitch tits.
I recently for some reason got unbanned. Except you can’t report anything that isn’t ‘hate speech.’


>Posts my stolen credit report on Reddit
Not KF not here but fucking reddit? You are so bad at lying Pat.
Good point. If it were a farmer they would have posted it on KF. If it were one of us they would have posted it here. It must be a redditor. We've seen him be a total jerk to dozens of people on reddit over the last several years. It's not a stretch (unlike his poor waistband) that it was someone from there with a legitimate ax to grind with him.


Good point. If it were a farmer they would have posted it on KF. If it were one of us they would have posted it here. It must be a redditor. We've seen him be a total jerk to dozens of people on reddit over the last several years. It's not a stretch (unlike his poor waistband) that it was someone from there with a legitimate ax to grind with him.
‘Poor waistband’ [MEDIA=gfycat]height=240;id=GratefulAlarmingDogwoodclubgall;width=320[/MEDIA]

Slackjawed Cow

I laugh at them because they're all the same.
Physical stalking - friendly polack drinking a beer at local stank hole
To add to that he thinks that just because people found him in the background of other peoples photos/vids that attended the con that those people are stalking him. There are a few kiwis that go to the same conventions pat does and they arent there because of him. They have been going for years because they are into sci fi books and shit too.

You have to look really fucking hard to find pat. He is hardly the subject of the photo but pat uses the cropped version to make it seem like someone was in the bushes watching him.

The original

The cropped and zoomed version pat uses in his claims


To add to that he thinks that just because people found him in the background of other peoples photos/vids that attended the con that those people are stalking him. There are a few kiwis that go to the same conventions pat does and they arent there because of him. They have been going for years because they are into sci fi books and shit too.

You have to look really fucking hard to find pat. He is hardly the subject of the photo but pat uses the cropped version to make it seem like someone was in the bushes watching him.

The original

The cropped and zoomed version pat uses in his claims
I’m not surprised that either Pat is insane enough to actually think this or that a KF poster is gay enough to attend one of these Gaylord gatherings. It’s all just trippy. I’m done now.


The only one I know of is called Boston something; he works in science fiction publishing and is a member of SFWA who has shared inside info on that shady org to KF multiple times.
Sounds like a good egg to me. Wait, he’s not from Somerville is he?

Slackjawed Cow

I laugh at them because they're all the same.
I’m not surprised that either Pat is insane enough to actually think this or that a KF poster is gay enough to attend one of these Gaylord gatherings. It’s all just trippy. I’m done now.
It was one of JDAs friends that is a part that sci-fi author crowd that just happened to take a few pics showing how dead the attendance was. It just happens that one of the pics was the bar area and Pat was belly up to the bar just like every day he leaves the house. The guy doesnt even know who pat is.


It was one of JDAs friends that is a part that sci-fi author crowd that just happened to take a few pics showing how dead the attendance was. It just happens that one of the pics was the bar area and Pat was belly up to the bar just like every day he leaves the house. The guy doesnt even know who pat is.
Pat is at the point now where he thinks even the birds are stalking him. Back to your bird nests, avian atalkers and never return!