More accusations, I think he copy/pasted this one from about a week ago. He's fucking losing it.


Opie Simp
fat faggot.png

He did copy/paste, what a retard. He's losing track of what accusations he's already leveled at us:

fat faggot 2.png


He wants to become a Super Victim. He thinks this will make a book that will actually sell.
This lazy fuck won't write a book about it. He wants a docuseries or some shit.

He's a bloated alcoholic retard with no sense of reality. He and his wife are both full blown retards.

Pats probably attacking his own rating as he prepares for bankruptcy. Hes desperate for a gofundme or something because he knows he's useless and can never earn that money.

He's also after all the attention these trannys got. He's calling news stations every fuxking day and honestly believes the president would be interested in this.

He's also fat.


Breakfast Corn
This lazy fuck won't write a book about it. He wants a docuseries or some shit.

He's a bloated alcoholic retard with no sense of reality. He and his wife are both full blown retards.

Pats probably attacking his own rating as he prepares for bankruptcy. Hes desperate for a gofundme or something because he knows he's useless and can never earn that money.

He's also after all the attention these trannys got. He's calling news stations every fuxking day and honestly believes the president would be interested in this.

He's also fat.
Its gotten him more publicity than anything he has ever written. ( books,tweets, articles)


It's not REALLY Ray Wilson
Pat, child, it's over. Nobody cares about Keffals' male pattern baldness having ass, or his struggle against Kiwifarms. That was a month ago and people have moved on - besides, Keffals failed, and Kiwifarms is still online today, featuring a exhaustively detailed article on Patrick S Tomlinson.

You had a chance to hitch your wagon onto that movement when it was relevant, but as usual you couldn't help yourself and you went too far with the false flags, to the point that your "swattings" are such a meme that they're forgotten about as soon as they happen.

Why? Because you're not sympathetic, Patrick.

For those of you keeping score, over the years Patrick has -

*willingly and gleefully signed away all parental rights to his daughter so that he could spend all his time on Twitter

* made Robin Williams' death about himself

*demeans his wife and her mental illness, discusses her sexuality, and hits on women on Twitter relentlessly

*stalked Anica at the Milwaukee museum

*called people who wanted to work during COVID lockdowns in order to survive "Nazis", but had no problems going to bars maskless or getting haircuts during the lock down

*falsified evidence (defacing property video, "Rahul Kumar" voicemail)

*made a joke about anal rape, and when called out for it, blamed it on a fictional female friend

*blocks users on Twitter, then taunts them from behind the block where they have no avenue to respond

*when a college freshman went to Twitter for comfort because she feared that she would be bullied for her conservative beliefs, Patrick responded by bullying her for her conservative beliefs

*advocated beating conservative women who wear MAGA hats

*repeated rape jokes

*doxxed a big dicked individual who called his bluff; repeatedly cries about being doxxed

Simply put, Patrick, you're not a victim nor are you sympathetic. You are an unlovable piece of shit who's getting what he deserves. Don't like it? Quit dishing it out you cowardly cunt.

Theodore from Schenectady

Of the Schenectady Shecklers.
Pat, child, it's over. Nobody cares about Keffals' male pattern baldness having ass, or his struggle against Kiwifarms. That was a month ago and people have moved on - besides, Keffals failed, and Kiwifarms is still online today, featuring a exhaustively detailed article on Patrick S Tomlinson.

You had a chance to hitch your wagon onto that movement when it was relevant, but as usual you couldn't help yourself and you went too far with the false flags, to the point that your "swattings" are such a meme that they're forgotten about as soon as they happen.

Why? Because you're not sympathetic, Patrick.

For those of you keeping score, over the years Patrick has -

*willingly and gleefully signed away all parental rights to his daughter so that he could spend all his time on Twitter

* made Robin Williams' death about himself

*demeans his wife and her mental illness, discusses her sexuality, and hits on women on Twitter relentlessly

*stalked Anica at the Milwaukee museum

*called people who wanted to work during COVID lockdowns in order to survive "Nazis", but had no problems going to bars maskless or getting haircuts during the lock down

*falsified evidence (defacing property video, "Rahul Kumar" voicemail)

*made a joke about anal rape, and when called out for it, blamed it on a fictional female friend

*blocks users on Twitter, then taunts them from behind the block where they have no avenue to respond

*when a college freshman went to Twitter for comfort because she feared that she would be bullied for her conservative beliefs, Patrick responded by bullying her for her conservative beliefs

*advocated beating conservative women who wear MAGA hats

*repeated rape jokes

*doxxed a big dicked individual who called his bluff; repeatedly cries about being doxxed

Simply put, Patrick, you're not a victim nor are you sympathetic. You are an unlovable piece of shit who's getting what he deserves. Don't like it? Quit dishing it out you cowardly cunt.
Plus he's fat!