'LOBSTER GIRL' Killed Opie & Anthony


Now think, that was likely one of the first times he actually had anyone attracted to him to any significant degree. His first wife was Joe's sloppy seconds, and he married her out of obligation of not looking like a fag in front of the fellas. He wrangled bar skanks here and there afterwards.

Little homo was having his first "teenage crush" then and there, at 45 years old, in front of other adults thinking nothing was weird about it.
First wife was a xmas grinch lookin bitch


Dan doesn't have a penis. I. Do.
I do like that Anthony:

Blew up his marriage
Ruined his professional relationship
Destroyed his image with 50-70% of the hardcore fanbase before they'd even got to XM (essentially killing opieanthony.net by banning them from on-air mentions and deleting posts with his mod powers on Wackbag.)
God rid of Spaz
Built that piece of shit house
Bought Mellinda (enragingly her name has two L's) a Porsche

All for a 3/10 with the most grating voice imaginable who eventually started cheating on him with some message board dude and left. The stupid old faggot has been spiraling ever since.


Dan doesn't have a penis. I. Do.
Even the shows about Stern’s daughter in the play were wildly out of line. Patrice was right to tap out. That’s a lot to heap on one of your most popular guests.
I remember once Patrice started saying "Mell..." and then it dumped out forever and when they came back Patrice was in the middle of quietly apologizing to Nana while he passive aggressively shut it down in case he had to dump out even more. Just ridiculous to think of what a bunch of whiny hypocritical faggots they were.