Let me put my fish lips on you, child

Capn Dicktickler

40 year old sasster LBJ quote fulfillerster
So he has at least 4 separate events where he was the potential "lifesaver" in civilian life, how fucking impossible is that for the average person. He just makes this shit up.
Was thinking the same thing. Needing to give someone CPR is probably a once in a lifetime thing, if that, unless you’re a lifeguard or something. Fat fuck lies like a Persian rug.


and her hair smells like red froot loops


Someone pointed this out on the farms. One of the most traumatic moments of his life, a little girl dying in his arms, and he can't remember if she was 5 or 6.

A House Nigger

Zero Nigger Policy.

Imagine youre a 5 year old having a sudden medical event. You awaken and this malformed visage is inches away from your face, breathing and sweating into your mouth. The smell of Milwaukees Best, baby meat and nigger farts hangs thick in the air.. you struggle to get away and he pins you down, going back in for round 2 as you beg for the sweet release of death. This is the stuff nightmares are made of

Why did he feel the need to say the guy was Lithuanian? How does that add to the story?


What would you do for a Klondike bar?
those poor people had no chance of being given a peaceful death where they can drift off to the light. Hell may not be real, but it was for those dozens of seconds this fishmouthed freak was molesting them before their death
I think this is the fourth time I've said "Jesus Christ, that's the nastiest thing I've read on this forum" ....but I genuinely mean it.

What a horrific thought!


Moral of the story? Fatrick fails at CPR, he inadvertently killed two people and he is a confirmed pedophile for making out with a kindergartener.