Leslie is out of control.

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Sue Lightning

I really don't want to go in on Leslie's appearance... but holy fuck imagine how ugly OldGravyEgg's girlfriend must be.
Serious nutcase. An alcoholic in a trailer park with his dying dog and fat high school sweetheart. No family and burdened by trauma. Obviously runs to escapism through socializing on here and then Leslie was just another outlet for that. It would be sad if it weren’t so fucking weird. If he were just texting this shit to fuck with her it’d still be weird but less deranged because we could all see the trolling angle. This nigga was not trolling. He genuinely saw Leslie as a romantic fixation…because she shit on Pat.

This has been stuck in my head since I saw the thread last night. What the fuck was this guy thinking. It genuinely might be the weirdest shit i’ve ever seen from a poster here.


For the last time, I am NOT Frank Grimes!
Hey guys?

You think he's somewhere crying right now?

  • Deleted by Troy Maclure
  • Reason: Wrong post quoted


You are not a glowie. You are just stupid.
Are the nails done?


I'll never understand the modern mindset about sex. My tongue, it - it never wanted to touch the Forbidden Exit! It wanted to taste a good Scotch, homemade matzah, even a fine cigar! I fight with my wife about giving oral! I've been in there! You don't wanna know where else I've been. I know you're just asking questions, I'm not answering that.

Leslie in Portland, you had a confused young man serenade you at work with "Sit On My Face And Tell Me That You Love Me" - did he at least bring flowers?
images (2).jpg

Why we are here:
To tremble at the terrible beauty of the stars,
to shed a tear at the imperfection of
Beethoven's symphonies, and to crack
Leslie's asshole open every now and then,
and that reminds me - you got any gum?


For the last time, I am NOT Frank Grimes!
View attachment 197617
Why we are here:
To tremble at the terrible beauty of the stars,
to shed a tear at the imperfection of
Beethoven's symphonies, and to crack
Leslie's asshole open every now and then,
and that reminds me - you got any gum?

Dave pulled random strange constantly.

Even risked his whole career to come out and admit ahead of a possible scandal, and he fucking did it. Never lost momentum.

Guy had balls.


Glow nigger. Got any of those IPs for me?
I'm not reading all of that.
Serious nutcase. An alcoholic in a trailer park with his dying dog and fat high school sweetheart. No family and burdened by trauma. Obviously runs to escapism through socializing on here and then Leslie was just another outlet for that. It would be sad if it weren’t so fucking weird. If he were just texting this shit to fuck with her it’d still be weird but less deranged because we could all see the trolling angle. This nigga was not trolling. He genuinely saw Leslie as a romantic fixation…because she shit on Pat.

This has been stuck in my head since I saw the thread last night. What the fuck was this guy thinking. It genuinely might be the weirdest shit i’ve ever seen from a poster here.
So far. I haven't had my alcohol induced break yet. I figure it's coming. After 6 years we're all on a clock.

Harry's Manly Calvester

Wetting Zoomers since 2023
I think everytime something like this happens @PogromStallone feels a little vindicated that his only crime was liking a dumb cartoon. Could be a LOT worse. (And he didn’t run off like a bitch after)
He also like SNL and Broadway musicals though

Also, anyone notice OldGravyEgg and SaltedEarthTruffle have the same adjective-adjective/noun-noun convention?
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