Leslie is out of control.

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You are not a glowie. You are just stupid.
When you quote my posts without allowing me like 60 seconds for editing, you're essentially raping me. PickleRickle raped me on the pinball table just now and you all just stood by and watched.
I even raped your quote for you, making this entire sentence also raped pre-emptively. It has to be this way.

Sue Lightning

Imagine saying that to a woman, but only because she Patposts. View attachment 197603
"I want to fuck it and then kiss you"

All this faggotry because she fucking “Patposts”. It’s like the zoomer virgins who lose their mind at black haired women. “OMG BE MY GOTH MOMMY!!!!!”


For the last time, I am NOT Frank Grimes!


I say FUCK you, Jobu.
I'm just sittin' here wishing I knew a Canadian feller that wanted his fuckin' toes worshipped. Okay!?
My toes are very long and Tomlinsonesque. Hence why I don't wear open toes of any sort. I also feel like I always need to be ready to sprint or kick a person or predator animal in the face, so open toed shoes are just impractical and gay for me.


For the last time, I am NOT Frank Grimes!
I'm just sittin' here wishing I knew a Canadian feller that wanted his fuckin' toes worshipped. Okay!?

Are the nails done?


I'll never understand the modern mindset about sex. My tongue, it - it never wanted to touch the Forbidden Exit! It wanted to taste a good Scotch, homemade matzah, even a fine cigar! I fight with my wife about giving oral! I've been in there! You don't wanna know where else I've been. I know you're just asking questions, I'm not answering that.

Leslie in Portland, you had a confused young man serenade you at work with "Sit On My Face And Tell Me That You Love Me" - did he at least bring flowers?
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