Leslie is out of control.

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Do you guys remember that there was some guy who did similar with linzbella? It happened towards the end of the sub. I don’t remember the exact details but he was coming on to her in private and then shitting on her in the sub.
Someone posted some of those Linzbella exchanges in this thread.


Josef Kuminski

кормить бабушку
Someone posted some of those Linzbella exchanges in this thread.

God be with old gravy egg. Maybe this will be the impetus to get some help. Good luck and Godspeed.


For the last time, I am NOT Frank Grimes!
Cracked. Somebody posted his posting history. Is mom recently died. He had a weird relationship with her (shared a bed until he was 11). Says his father is a wanted criminal he’s never met and he prefers him to her. Lord knows what else she did to him.

And then someone else posted that this is the guy that told Leslie he was working on a write-up of Pat and she encouraged and offered to read his treatment.

Old lady showing any sort of positive affection + this emotionally stunted nutcase = hilarity

And people call ME the bit account.


Sue Lightning

“I’m not friends with anyone on here”
Thanks for all your support
You know what? Fuck you, dude. You pansy ass cocksucker. I defend you when I shouldn't. Eat shit.
Every time I respond to a @Sue Lightning post, a part of me imagines it might be a passable trans twink that I'm reacting to. I need to stop believing avatars.
This dude if he genuinely thought I was Sue would have started sucking me off.
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