Legitimately what happened here?


Still spreading the O&A virus
A few things happened. One was that he was failing in his career outside of Seinfeld. Standup was also out of his comfort zone so he was prone to bombing sometimes and this was the last straw apparently. Secondly he had a new girlfriend with him and didn't like being heckled in front of his date. Especially when the same exact material had killed at another club the night before.

Thirdly he dealt with niggers and hecklers the way that all comics secretly want to. He smashed them into oblivion in probably the all time greatest moment in standup history. Nothing has made me laugh harder from a comedy stage than Kramer yelling back at the nigger hecklers. Fourthly he was alleged by a few comics who were there to have been high on cocaine which gave him extra confidence to yell 'nigger' in a crowded club.
He was trying to do a Lenny Bruce thing where he said nigger as a shock value "It's just a word!" thing but it backfired horribly. Patrice put it best with what really sealed the deal was going on Letterman and acting like a Vietnam POW instead of just doing Kramer, because people would have passed it off as just Michael being a crazy method actor guy, which he was.
A few things happened. One was that he was failing in his career outside of Seinfeld. Standup was also out of his comfort zone so he was prone to bombing sometimes and this was the last straw apparently. Secondly he had a new girlfriend with him and didn't like being heckled in front of his date. Especially when the same exact material had killed at another club the night before.

Thirdly he dealt with niggers and hecklers the way that all comics secretly want to. He smashed them into oblivion in probably the all time greatest moment in standup history. Nothing has made me laugh harder from a comedy stage than Kramer yelling back at the nigger hecklers. Fourthly he was alleged by a few comics who were there to have been high on cocaine which gave him extra confidence to yell 'nigger' in a crowded club.
I really wish he'd have done a Bill Burr Philly-style rant, but all anti-nigger. "Your music sucks, your women are fat and ugly, your food blows, your neighborhoods are toilets" and so forth. It'd have been legendary. I mean, why not go all in with it?

Sue Lightning

I really wish he'd have done a Bill Burr Philly-style rant, but all anti-nigger. "Your music sucks, your women are fat and ugly, your food blows, your neighborhoods are toilets" and so forth. It'd have been legendary. I mean, why not go all in with it?
Because i don’t think he actually hates blacks, he was just trying to insult them and “nigger” was the easiest way to do it. But I still don’t understand. Like this is the reaction you have when a black runs you over with his car or something, not talks over you. Like imagine if you were a teacher and your black students were talking and you just started screaming YOU FUCCCCKING NIGGER YOU NIGGER YOURE A NIGGER GET THE FUCK OUT OF HERE

Racist Google Intern

Please watch the Itchy and Scratchy Friends Hour!
Because i don’t think he actually hates blacks, he was just trying to insult them and “nigger” was the easiest way to do it. But I still don’t understand. Like this is the reaction you have when a black runs you over with his car or something, not talks over you. Like imagine if you were a teacher and your black students were talking and you just started screaming YOU FUCCCCKING NIGGER YOU NIGGER YOURE A NIGGER GET THE FUCK OUT OF HERE
It's a comedy club, people are known to be crass.


Still spreading the O&A virus
Because i don’t think he actually hates blacks, he was just trying to insult them and “nigger” was the easiest way to do it.
He's obviously racist as hell but had to hide it because of show business. Things like "that's what happens when you interrupt the White man" or "50 years ago you'd be upside with a fork in your ass" are clearly things that had been in his mind for a long time. Just like when Mel ranted about "jews start all of the wars" but then had to grovel back to his masters in show business to keep his career.

Mr. Faggotry

The world’s expert on faggotry
Richards is a very odd man with a very odd story.

I'm convinced that he's the one who introduced Seinfeld to the underage child that Jerry ended up marrying, or perhaps he introduced Jerry to other children that just didn't out.

Seinfeld went out of his way to do an apology tour of sorts with Richards, and Richards is a gentile. Sort of.

"....In a telephone interview with The Jewish Journal, Rubenstein clarified that Richards was not born Jewish and never converted to Judaism. “He believes in Judaism, and that’s what he’s adopted for himself,” said Rubenstein."

"...A biography of Richards on the Wikipedia web site lists no religion, but does say Richards is very involved in the Masons. Masonry is not a religion but Masons do subscribe to a set of ethical precepts."



Boq sucks coq
Because i don’t think he actually hates blacks, he was just trying to insult them and “nigger” was the easiest way to do it. But I still don’t understand. Like this is the reaction you have when a black runs you over with his car or something, not talks over you. Like imagine if you were a teacher and your black students were talking and you just started screaming YOU FUCCCCKING NIGGER YOU NIGGER YOURE A NIGGER GET THE FUCK OUT OF HERE
If a fat guy heckles you, you would call him a fat tub of shit. If a woman does it you say she's a dumb whore. What's so special about niggers that makes them an exception?


I love that garlic buttah saw...
He was trying to do a Lenny Bruce thing where he said nigger as a shock value "It's just a word!" thing but it backfired horribly. Patrice put it best with what really sealed the deal was going on Letterman and acting like a Vietnam POW instead of just doing Kramer, because people would have passed it off as just Michael being a crazy method actor guy, which he was.
That Letterman appearance is one of the hardest things to fucking watch. I'm surprised Dave let them do it.

"Stahp laughing, it's not funny..." SHUT UP.