Kike Hate Thread

Uncle Floyd

Nice try, Floyd.
This is an absolute MUST WATCH

I was expecting him to start dropping knowledge about the broad topics he brought up (e.g. "They blame Jews for slavery. They'll tell you to google Aaron Lopez. I mean, sure, 80% of Southern plantation owners were Jewish...").

He didn't say anything most people haven't heard a hundred thousand times before. Jews in banking? Jews in politics? Jews in the media? No way!

How he didn't get cut off after "Diamonds in the Fecal Matter" shows they weren't even listening to him.


Keyboard Warrior
I was expecting him to start dropping knowledge about the broad topics he brought up (e.g. "They blame Jews for slavery. They'll tell you to google Aaron Lopez. I mean, sure, 80% of Southern plantation owners were Jewish...").

He didn't say anything most people haven't heard a hundred thousand times before. Jews in banking? Jews in politics? Jews in the media? No way!

How he didn't get cut off after "Diamonds in the Fecal Matter" shows they weren't even listening to him.
I see what you’re saying but it was ballsy nonetheless.

I see normies watching football and I’m telling you they don’t know even this stuff.

Queefer Sutherland

Fix me, Josh!

U.S. sends Israel-stored weapons to Ukraine



Kike grabs and nearly kidnaps kikelet, rabbi says to give him a break:

Speaking to The Post by phone Wednesday, Rabbi Lankry, who leads the congregation, worried that law enforcement was jumping to conclusions about Mayer.

“There’s a very big concern [in the community] that we may be coming to conclusions too fast…and therefore compromising a person’s life,”said Lankry, who did not witness the incident but was “in the vicinity.”

“And at the same time, if he really is someone that had ill intentions, it should be public knowledge.”

Lankry, who does not know Mayer or the victim personally, cautioned against immediate judgment of the situation. “We have to give [Mayer] a chance to talk,” he urged. “Innocent until proven guilty is something we should all live by.”



Keyboard Warrior
Louis CK on why we need to flood America with brown people:

I wouldn't have liked this talk from him before I was j-woke, but man, this gets to me. His reasoning that we need to lower the standards is essentially "globalism" which is essentially "international jewry". His example of Obama droning a dude is completely Jewish. And blaming the American people for essentially profiting off of sweat shops in other countries is not ever something I voted for and most Americans would be against it.

When you are blind to all of this being done by Jews, and then the fucking Jew says Americans have it too good and need to stop living in their "gated community" you don't see how sinister it all is. Louis CK having these zany opinions on Joe Rogan is no cohencidence.

I remember when Louis was funny. Fucking kike.