Kike Hate Thread


Keyboard Warrior

Will Tate

Oven March
I think I would be greatly amused watching a nine part documentary about the nuances of nature narrated by some nigger from the deep ghetto.
DAAAAAAAMN, nigga, you see how big dis mountin be, dawg?! You look at this mountain, muthafucka?!? How we goin get ovah dis shit, nigga? I ain't goin up dat shit, nigga!!! NAW, fuck dat, Imma just head back tada crib, dawg, fuck that mountain shit.
DAAAAAAAMN, nigga, you see how big dis mountin be, dawg?! You look at this mountain, muthafucka?!? How we goin get ovah dis shit, nigga? I ain't goin up dat shit, nigga!!! NAW, fuck dat, Imma just head back tada crib, dawg, fuck that mountain shit.
Yo dis lion finna git his grub on an’ dis an-tuh-lope be like awwww hail nawww nigguh an’ he head on out.
Das aight, kang. You git yours tuhmorrow. On Gawd!

Wow. That’s worse than Pat’s Brit dialogue.


Blackpilled stream on Capturing the Friedmans


This documentary won a Sundance award and was nominated for an Oscar. It distorts facts to run cover for a serial child molester, blaming the local white community for "hysteria" and pretending that cops strongarmed victims into inventing stories. Director jewish, molester jewish.
It's downright evil to make such a manipulative film.

Gay Faggot.

I am Dan.
Damn fellas. 3 pages to find this? You guys losing your hate for kikes or what?

I’ve gotten two advertisements for “Visit Israel”. I’m not sure who sold these kikes my info but it brings me joy they got screwed over. I’m not sure how much more obvious I could make it I’m not going there, besides putting a swastika as my profile.