Kike Hate Thread


My name's Henry. And you're here with me now


Who are they?
Paul Krugman, Ludwig von Mises, and Richard Wolff. The former is especially a pretentious cocksucker. Mises belongs to the Austrian school, and Richard Wolff is that Marxist economist that these shows like to have on sometimes. None of them mention Jewish control of the banks, usury, etc cause they are Jewish even if they have completely opposing views on the surface.


Calling all simps
I refuse to believe that ancient desert dwelling people are pale motherfuckers from Poland and shit. Hating them for being Jewish is just giving them legitimacy. I just see them as regular but ugly white people. Remember they're called Jewish because they wish they were jews. Notice how none of the people you guys have a problem with are Mizrahi, Sephardi, or beta Israel. Just the dirty ashkenazis.
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the Gentleman's sissy hypno
My dear CuntFucker, do you have a dog in this fight? As an Indian (if I am correct) i would argue that you do, given that your parents (or grandparents) were only able to move here because of Jewish legal maneuver, the Hart Cellar act, crafted by Jews specifically to make European descended population a minority. In a sense, your very existence in this country is the byproduct of a long term Jewish chess maneuver, and if you look honestly at how this history applies to you, you fit in as a pawn. If I were brown (not that there's anything wrong with that) I would feel resentment at this fact. But that doesn't mean you have to be angry and resentful about it and act out in this fashion. Be honest about your butthurt, don't conceal it behind seemingly unrelated hostilities such as this post. That's what chapos do.

Gay Faggot.

I am Dan.
My dear CuntFucker, do you have a dog in this fight? As an Indian (if I am correct) i would argue that you do, given that your parents (or grandparents) were only able to move here because of Jewish legal maneuver, the Hart Cellar act, crafted by Jews specifically to make European descended population a minority. In a sense, your very existence in this country is the byproduct of a long term Jewish chess maneuver, and if you look honestly at how this history applies to you, you fit in as a pawn. If I were brown (not that there's anything wrong with that) I would feel resentment at this fact. But that doesn't mean you have to be angry and resentful about it and act out in this fashion. Be honest about your butthurt, don't conceal it behind seemingly unrelated hostilities such as this post. That's what chapos do.
He’s a paki. Living in England. His posts tend to give me a loff however he should be deported. Those streets don’t shit themselves.


the Gentleman's sissy hypno
He’s a paki. Living in England.
Many such cases. They all support hard-right policies in their own homes, their mosques, and in their ethnic homelands. They opportunistically (and instinctively, like some internal trigger of self defense goes off) support leftists causes while squatting in Western countries for obvious reasons. When this hypocrisy is highlighted they tend to become agitated and violent as seen in this thread

It's good in general, but for Fog Niggers the writings of Andrew Joyce are especially informative. he comes at it from a UK perspective.

Gay Faggot.

I am Dan.
I was reading my 5yo daughter a book of facts -- one of them is that the world has 195 countries.

Jews have been kicked out of more than HALF the countries in the world. The number actually comes out to 66%! (Assuming each time is a different country)
Pretty sure most of the countries have been absorbed or conquered at this point. Not to take away from the point.