Kike Hate Thread



Dec. 12, 2023
Polish right-wing MP Grzegorz Braun on Tuesday was filmed putting out the candles of a Hanukkah menorah in his country's parliament building with a fire extinguisher.

Braun has complained of the desire of America and Israel to turn Catholic Poland into a "Jewish state"."


Hey barren wombster, this is because the Polish deep state is aware the US decided to dismantle Israel, and it is making moves so that the Benzion Mileikowskys of that area do not return to the places of their grandparents' birth.

An Ashkenazi state will be established in Western Ukraine/Eastern Poland. This is just a performaTive Polish deep state initiated protest, they will do the US state dept's bidding as they have no choice.

Hey barren wombster, this is because the Polish deep state is aware the US decided to dismantle Israel, and it is making moves so that the Benzion Mileikowskys of that area do not return to the places of their grandparents' birth.

An Ashkenazi state will be established in Western Ukraine/Eastern Poland. This is just a performaTive Polish deep state initiated protest, they will do the US state dept's bidding as they have no choice.

She has you on ignore because you're ugly, pedoster.


"Dec. 12, 2023

Polish right-wing MP Grzegorz Braun on Tuesday was filmed putting out the candles of a Hanukkah menorah in his country's parliament building with a fire extinguisher.

Braun has complained of the desire of America and Israel to turn Catholic Poland into a "Jewish state"."

Update: Braun has doubled down:


Again, this is because Israelis might get transplanted in W.Ukraine/Lvov/Galacia/E.Poland by the US State dept

"Grzegorz Braun"...the name says it all. "Braun" is not Polish, its German.

Grzegorz Braun = descendant of German aristocracy in Poland. Aka = Polish oligarchy

They (Polish deep state) are worried. Stop this cheap cartoonish anti-jew speculation, it's a big fail.

The true evil is your government. When you start hearing about "Poland the new Silicon Valley" you know what's up. Zionist start ups in Lviv/Warsaw etc using cheap Polish coders/programmers.


Ha, you can see the kike's [URL='']tzitzits[/URL] hanging down from his waist. Satanist confirmed. It's hilarious the number of Jews that are the worst slumlords in the city:


Source: [URL][/URL]

Another delightful kike slumlord: [URL][/URL]
Bitter old hag relies on Black American advocate's research on Jewish landlords, to create anti-semitic post in between her posts about some sci fi author. Her own womb was always barren, so this is all she has. More at 11.

(Edit: all the above are facts, while her and her hangers-on can only respond with "pedophile"... as they see shadows of their own misdeeds in every corner.)