Kike Hate Thread


The Night Time Attitude



The gunslinger.
Thanks, Naomi Klein!

View attachment 152455

See, no matter how great an orator Russell Brand is, if I believe him, it just means he's groomed me to do so. That's the thing about conspiracies. If you disagree with Jews that run things you are the crazy one. See, Hitler could just mesmerize people by giving speeches and that's why we have to deplatform and unperson Russell Brand, because Russell Brand could be the next Hitler and you could be a Nazi.

There's only one side of the story: the truth!

Thanks again, (((Naomi Klein)))!

Absolutely none of these people have listened to Hitler’s speeches, or even read the transcripts.

There’s a reason you’re only shown clips where he’s at his most animated and why they are NEVER subtitled.


It's pretty clear that the Russell brand shit is true. His entire image was being a degenerate, having lots of sex. When he lost a debate to Peter Hitchens on the topic of "should you be allowed to take drugs whenever and however you want" he just called Peter a homophobe and asked to make out with him like a faggot who can't admit that he's lost.

And now everyone is pretending it's impossible that this guy gets around in places where he shouldn't? Give me a fucking break.
I can only speak for myself. I don't care about Brand. Never enjoyed any of his stuff. And he probably is a creep. But innocent till proven guilty should mean something, or everyone is in deep shit. I don't know if you saw, but the UK government has literally written letters to TikTok, Rumble and others, asking them to demonetise him. [URL][/URL]
Bear in mind, he hasn't even been charged with a crime yet, let alone tried or found guilty. This is seriously Orwellian stuff (as played out and clichéd as that sounds nowadays.)

Again, I'm not defending him, and actually think that those who blindly are are as guilty of the same thing as the news outlets and social media platforms who've already decided he's guilty are. Let a jury decide.


The gunslinger.
I can only speak for myself. I don't care about Brand. Never enjoyed any of his stuff. And he probably is a creep. But innocent till proven guilty should mean something, or everyone is in deep shit. I don't know if you saw, but the UK government has literally written letters to TikTok, Rumble and others, asking them to demonetise him.
Bear in mind, he hasn't even been charged with a crime yet, let alone tried or found guilty. This is seriously Orwellian stuff (as played out and clichéd as that sounds nowadays.)

Again, I'm not defending him, and actually think that those who blindly are are as guilty of the same thing as the news outlets and social media platforms who've already decided he's guilty are. Let a jury decide.

Watch out, or Jewish people will accuse you of being pro rape and a rapist now.

If someone is accused by a woman it’s 100% true immediately, unless it’s about a biden or a royal or a politician on the left or a Jew or a gay, then we can’t talk about it and the woman is a lying scumbag Nazi.

It’s simple.

Dennis Denuto

It's the vibe
But innocent till proven guilty should mean something, or everyone is in deep shit.
Okay but the documentary presented proof. The text messages (which Brand hasn't denied are his), the woman going to the rape crisis center. Brand's former manager saying that he had her scout out women for him.

I don't think that MPs should go around writing letters making demands of social media companies but I want you to know that they have been doing this covertly for a very long time and if you think that Brand is unique in being a target of censorship by the British government you'd be wrong. The UK foreign office and intelligence services have been running programs against "disinformation" (things they don't like) like the Integrity Initiative and been actually defaming people who for years and now everyone is acting like these letters are shocking and we've never seen anything like this before. They're probably one of the less egregious things to come out of the UK. It's been pretty shocking seeing people who know better, like Chris Williamson and Jonathan Cook come out acting like this is unprecedented.

And I just want to remind everyone that Brand's show is bankrolled by Rumble, which is owned by Peter Thiel (notorious PayPal mafia, Founder of Palantir, which is a massive contract of the US, UK militaries), Trump, other big conservative inc players, BlackRock, and other evil companies that I can't remember right now. He is not your friend.


Okay but the documentary presented proof. The text messages (which Brand hasn't denied are his), the woman going to the rape crisis center. Brand's former manager saying that he had her scout out women for him.

I don't think that MPs should go around writing letters making demands of social media companies but I want you to know that they have been doing this covertly for a very long time and if you think that Brand is unique in being a target of censorship by the British government you'd be wrong. The UK foreign office and intelligence services have been running programs against "disinformation" (things they don't like) like the Integrity Initiative and been actually defaming people who for years and now everyone is acting like these letters are shocking and we've never seen anything like this before. They're probably one of the less egregious things to come out of the UK. It's been pretty shocking seeing people who know better, like Chris Williamson and Jonathan Cook come out acting like this is unprecedented.

And I just want to remind everyone that Brand's show is bankrolled by Rumble, which is owned by Peter Thiel (notorious PayPal mafia, Founder of Palantir, which is a massive contract of the US, UK militaries), Trump, other big conservative inc players, BlackRock, and other evil companies that I can't remember right now. He is not your friend.
Like I said, I'm not a fan of his and don't really care what happens to him. Trial by media and/or public opinion is never a good thing though. He deserves his day in court like anyone else.

Dennis Denuto

It's the vibe
Like I said, I'm not a fan of his and don't really care what happens to him. Trial by media and/or public opinion is never a good thing though. He deserves his day in court like anyone else.
I don't disagree. But my mind is not a courthouse. There are plenty of things which people have been convicted in a court of law for doing that I believe that they are innocent of. There are plenty of people that have been ruled innocent for things I believe that they did do.


The gunslinger.
I don't disagree. But my mind is not a courthouse. There are plenty of things which people have been convicted in a court of law for doing that I believe that they are innocent of. There are plenty of people that have been ruled innocent for things I believe that they did do.

It’s just kind of weird the same people trying to ruin brand are the ones who also continued working for Roman Polanski and gave him a standing ovation. There’s endless hypocrisy. Justice isn’t real and doesn’t exist.