Kike Hate Thread


Gen Z Boss And A Mini
Just got this in the replies:


How come the bartender is allowed to apply this standard to nazis but not to niggers? Big think.


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We get it.


The gunslinger.
I watched some travel documentary show thing with my girlfriend and her family at the weekend. Some faggot was in Greenland and kept making alarmist predictions and saying how climate change is rampant etc.

I made one innocuous remark about how he’s a TV presenter and he hasn’t quantified any of his statements once and how they made the same predictions endlessly years ago and they all got offended. This is a highly educated household and they literally said “if it wasn’t true, they wouldn’t be allowed to say it!” and half jokingly said they hoped I didn’t “do my own research online” etc.

The battle is already over, we’re hurtling 1000mph towards a degraded society with unseen levels of poverty, violence and desperation and the educated rich people of today are gleefully cheering it along.

Der krieg ist verloren.


The gunslinger.
The highly educated are more susceptible to indoctrination. They're used to listening to authority and derive their self-worth from being told they're correct.

I’m white trash and proud of it. Before I was rescued by my grandparents at 17 ish I lived with a single mother on foodstamps in serious poverty in a deprived community.

I’ve experienced what living with niggers and migrants is like, and my eyes are wide open at how it’s going to become life everywhere. It’s irreversible now.

The people who made this country great will be a minority in our lifetime and the country will degrade into a nightmare because the fact is and has always been, that races aren’t equal.

It’s just incredibly upsetting to witness, and the only people who care about it are fringe weirdos on Twitter or forums.