Kike Hate Thread


#1 Poster


(Voluntarily) torqued boomer
What's so ENRAGING :image_9248_m:about this is literally all it would take for New Zealanders, who are the vast majority, to go and make their voices heard loudly. They won't do it, but a little pushback is all it would take.

White people are just way too polite. It'll be the end of us.

Also, don’t end up like this and I’d imagine your health issues would be pretty minor


Gen Z Boss And A Mini
Matt Walsh tweeted this. This should be fucking criminal.


I’m case you don’t know, Hirschfeld was the Jew who literally invested the word “transvestite” and the Nazis kicked him out of Germany and burned his books as soon as they got into power.

Walsh is wanting you to believe that Hirschfeld was a Nazi.

The Jews themselves don’t dispute any of
Hirschfeld’s accomplishments.

From the Holocaust Encyclopedia, which is published by the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum


I wonder what will happen to Matt Walsh if certain people come into power.


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Gen Z Boss And A Mini
Ugh, you edited your post. Yes, I know about Hirschfeld. For Walsh to equate Hirschfeld with Nazis is either a kikey way of manipulating people or it displays a complete lack of understanding.
I edited it because I hit post my accident on my phone and you are fast.

No one who knows the name “Magnus Hirschfeld” before that tweet went out would describe him as a “eugenicist.” Matt Walsh is a special kind of evil for doing this. And you know Twitter won’t fact check this.

I agree with this gab poster.

Matt Walsh can burn in hell.


I edited it because I hit post my accident on my phone and you are fast.

No one who knows the name “Magnus Hirschfeld” before that tweet went out would describe him as a “eugenicist.” Matt Walsh is a special kind of evil for doing this. And you know Twitter won’t fact check this.

I agree with this gab poster.

Matt Walsh can burn in hell.
Good post. This is my first time hearing of this controversy and I'm glad it's got legs and people are turning on him. I know little about him and felt irked at how much he was getting promoted all of a sudden. Something about him creeped me out on an innate level. It's relieving to have my suspicions validated and find out he's yet another shyster grifter.


Gen Z Boss And A Mini
Good post. This is my first time hearing of this controversy and I'm glad it's got legs and people are turning on him. I know little about him and felt irked at how much he was getting promoted all of a sudden. Something about him creeped me out on an innate level. It's relieving to have my suspicions validated and find out he's yet another shyster grifter.
Matt Walsh did that “What is a Woman” documentary and left Hirschfeld out of it.

He knows. He made a documentary about trans people and literally the guy who pioneered the research is not mentioned.

This is the clearest evidence I’ve ever seen of grifting and our side needs to show everyone they possibly can. We need to make Walsh regret posting this lie due to being discredited forever.


White people are soulless...How were they Nazis a generation ago, and in the same places they were goose stepping, they have F/N's cucking them etc today? Only soullessness would allow this. Look at Saudis...a generation ago they were all camel herding nothings. Now they all drive Audi TT's, yet their souls are exactly the same as it was when they were Bedouin shepherds.

So, tomorrow you could very well either genocide the rest of humanity, or just would depend on "the reality generating machine", but nothing directly from your souls.

(btw this does not include Irish...the only Western whites who I find to have "soulful" vibes).
My friend, it sounds like you're conflating overt or excessive emotionality with soulfulness.