Kike Hate Thread


You vill eat zee bugs

https://streamable. com/vu021v

this may sound stupid, but eating bugs would be fine if they didnt get off so hard and focusing on the bug part

escargo and lobster seem gross but can be delicious, ive had chocolate covered grasshoppers and they taste like pencil shavings

but im sure a foreigner could make them taste fantastic

and by eating bugs is fine i mean, if you make a bug burger taste like mc donalds french fries which isnt real food either, and it was cheaper, i dont see a problem

i watch a lot of bush craft shit, ive seen squirrels that look like suckling pigs if cooked right


the Gentleman's sissy hypno
We created it

REMINDER: the Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society is likely to be directly responsible for brown people pricing you, your family members, and your children out of decent housing in the home town your grandparents helped built.

FURTHER REMINDER: Those brown people are there out of a Jewish project established after 1945, which came to fruition in the West 20 years later, to make all Christian Europeans a minority in every territory they occupy in order to punish them (google yemakh shemo) and negate the threat of them becoming vengeful after realizing their behavior and perpetrating another holocaust - an inevitability in their minds, unless they get us first.


Full Moon Squealer
We created it

REMINDER: the Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society is likely to be directly responsible for brown people pricing you, your family members, and your children out of decent housing in the home town your grandparents helped built.

FURTHER REMINDER: Those brown people are there out of a Jewish project established after 1945, which came to fruition in the West 20 years later, to make all Christian Europeans a minority in every territory they occupy in order to punish them (google yemakh shemo) and negate the threat of them becoming vengeful after realizing their behavior and perpetrating another holocaust - an inevitability in their minds, unless they get us first.
If they would just play nice they'd never need to look over their shoulders. They're belief that we're all kelipah and this world is for them alone gives them this unmatched sense of self importance. If they followed Moses they wouldn't be such intolerable and contemptable people. Hopefully the Golem rises.


the Gentleman's sissy hypno
If they would just play nice they'd never need to look over their shoulders. They're belief that we're all kelipah and this world is for them alone gives them this unmatched sense of self importance. If they followed Moses they wouldn't be such intolerable and contemptable people. Hopefully the Golem rises.
former California State University professor of psychology Kevin MacDonald did a long series on this. He argued that it was evolutionary and that the current basis for these behavior patterns are genetic in nature and beyond the scope of educating/conditioning/"understanding" this group from the framework of Christian European descended groups. From all the arguments and behavior I've seen, especially since 2015-2016, MacDonald's arguments make the most sense and seem to only gather more and more evidence as the years go on


Full Moon Squealer
former California State University professor of psychology Kevin MacDonald did a long series on this. He argued that it was evolutionary and that the current basis for these behavior patterns are genetic in nature and beyond the scope of educating/conditioning/"understanding" this group from the framework of Christian European descended groups. From all the arguments and behavior I've seen, especially since 2015-2016, MacDonald's arguments make the most sense and seem to only gather more and more evidence as the years go on
That's interesting, I'll give it a listen tomorrow while I'm at work. I know Ashkenazis are predisposed to schizophrenia. I don't think its just genetic though because without the horrendous software they're running they'd be closer to Bam's Seed than Satan's children. The rabbis' words hold immense weight and any rational objectors have been expelled time and time again from the synagogues, pulling and plunging their belief system into deeper and darker places. You can watch this unfold with the modern left. You're either in and you head towards insanity or you lose the only community you have. They have some 2000 years of distilling this occultic evil down to it's present form.