Kike Hate Thread

You're boring, Danny. Go back to you AMA containment thread and stop pretending you don't care about anything in this thread while trying so obviously to derail it. if you want to make Danny mad, ignore him and carry on since he so clearly anally craves attention

Have mods block/ban me. I see middle-school level hot takes in here and responded. Go find a private community.
He still raped her. Is it a lost cause to try to track her down?

You're talking about a show from November 2004. There are no guest records from back then. She was a guest of the Wolfpack "band" that came in. You'd need to track them down, and then see if they remember the groupies they were fucking 20 years ago.

The jew enters outside community. Tells you to leave.

Typical asshole with main character syndrome thinks the world is made just for him.
Nice dishonest method of arguing you got there i'm not saying ban you, I'm saying ignore. You can keep posting all you want but I'll just have you on the pay no mind list

Good job putting me on the pay no mind list. You couldn't even hold yourself to it for 5 fucking minutes.


The gunslinger.
I don’t dislike you Danny. You’re angry and bitter but I think you have a conscience where most of this wider community of OnA/Patverse characters do not. You knew Ant was a morally bankrupt pedophile even if he was charismatic and wealthy. You did the best you could, which is all anyone can do.

I thought your podcast had potential. I think you can be funny. You let your anger and mental health issues ruin your life too much, though.

With all that said, I will possibly pray for you. You are misguided. I think you’ve got some balls on you to come in here and slander God after what you people did to him.
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You are not a glowie. You are just stupid.
Typical asshole with main character syndrome thinks the world is made just for him.
I say syndrome, you say syndrome. You're so good at argumentation! Also, you just described yourself to a T. I know its impossible for people with personality disorders to not do this specifically, since the only thing you're ever sure about is the level of fucked up that you yourself are. Must be nice.

Couldnt be me.


I told them to back off bcuz it wasnt their show
You're talking about a show from November 2004. There are no guest records from back then. She was a guest of the Wolfpack "band" that came in. You'd need to track them down
Never underestimate autism. This is the breadcrumb i need to at least start my search. Thanks. We should have her identified by next week or so. Norton is going to prison, stlaker. Hes been told many thousands of times to cease raping drunk girls. Hes a felon and is going to do many many years in prison for the crimes hes committed against me and my family. Please do have fun, im going to enjoy what happens nexxxxxT.


Gen Z Boss And A Mini
So you're saying .5% of the population controls all the media and money for the other 99.5%? And then in the same breath you'll call Jews inferior, right? So which is it. Are they inferior? Or superior enough to control the other 99.5% of you all?

Welcome to 1984 doublespeak, where the enemy is concurrently extremely strong and pathetically weak.
No one said they were inferior but you bring up an interesting point.

Kikes like you constantly brag about having a higher IQ than other races. It’s not true but let’s pretend it is.

This means that the argument that we need more brown people, specifically joggers, in positions of power due to diversity, is invalid. Can’t have it both ways. Either the patriarchy deserves their place due to their merit and higher iq … or they need to step aside due to racism. But Jews themselves never are called upon to give up their power.

You guys deserve whatever nightmare is coming for you.