Kike Hate Thread


He has to say that. The top targets in his crosshairs are two of the three biggest industries the jews run; pharma and military industry. Has to profess some love for Israel to lower their guard a bit, otherwise he really would have no chance. Or he could just be suffering from the mass brainwashing all boomers seem to suffer when it comes to Israel.


You are not a glowie. You are just stupid.
I wonder how much land mass is covered by churches and their parking lots for white people worshipping a brown Jew from the Middle East.
You know whats cute, when the messiah that all you kike retards were waiting for came back but you all didnt believe him so you had him killed. Your entire religion was then superseded by Christianity. All you smallhat wearing fags have is the talmud now. Your babylonian degeneracy. I know more about your faggot cult then you do, bitch boy.
You know whats cute, when the messiah that all you kike retards were waiting for came back but you all didnt believe him so you had him killed. Your entire religion was then superseded by Christianity. All you smallhat wearing fags have is the talmud now. Your babylonian degeneracy. I know more about your faggot cult then you do, bitch boy.

"My entire religion" - As a eat a bacon egg and cheese.

I would hope that you know more about a religion I don't care for or practice.


I Am Racist Man Leader of the Digital Ku Klux Klan
I'm assuming this is satire, although it's nearly impossible to tell with this crowd.
I wonder how much land mass is covered by churches and their parking lots for white people worshipping a brown Jew from the Middle East.
You genuinely don't understand why a religion practiced but the majority of Americans would take up more space than one for .5% of the population?