Kike Hate Thread



It was actually a Catholic who made Piss Christ. I don't necessarily agree with his reasoning but it wasn't the own on Christians that most people think it was - it was a statement that got lost in people's interpretations.

Jesse Ventura

Access to the debates
When this is all said and done, Jackie will be joining her brothers and sisters in Ontario. Putting here because of who enabled this.



I worked in a beach town on this lake and it’s 100% true. Families of Indians show up with massive tents, set them up, bring all sorts of food and what not, and oftentimes a bucket to shit in. When they left they would leave their garbage and shit bucket. This happened every weekend.

When they entered a restaurant they’d have 20 people with them then get upset if you couldn't seat them immediately. When finally let in they’d rearrange tables without asking, and then flip out when asked to stop. They wouldnt order food or drink, they’d try to eat their own and just ask for water. When asked to leave they would of course flip out again.

At night the men would show up at the bar, borderline rape women on the dance floor, and then pick fights (and lose) when thrown out. It’s a disgrace.


Gen Z Boss And A Mini
I worked in a beach town on this lake and it’s 100% true. Families of Indians show up with massive tents, set them up, bring all sorts of food and what not, and oftentimes a bucket to shit in. When they left they would leave their garbage and shit bucket. This happened every weekend.

When they entered a restaurant they’d have 20 people with them then get upset if you couldn't seat them immediately. When finally let in they’d rearrange tables without asking, and then flip out when asked to stop. They wouldnt order food or drink, they’d try to eat their own and just ask for water. When asked to leave they would of course flip out again.

At night the men would show up at the bar, borderline rape women on the dance floor, and then pick fights (and lose) when thrown out. It’s a disgrace.
I suppose it's only really your country if you defend it.

Queefer Sutherland

Fix me, Josh!
I was going to put this in the Tranny hate thread.


But then I asked, "Who is the US ambassador to Japan?"

View attachment 118140

Every. Single. Fucking. Time.

No one in the press likes him...

Meanwhile, at WaPo... Jeff Bezos is a Jewish cunt who loves Rahm.


Further proof:
