Kike Hate Thread


هيئة الأمر بالمعروف والنهي عن المنكر
She starts it with "women were among the first to brew beer."

OK, so there was a broad or two picking hops. Thanks.

Then she calls them the "founding mothers of beer."

That's like saying niggers invented cotton.
Men started brewing beer but then it became seen as a woman's job in the household because you can't move the kegs when you go out to the field to work so it stayed at home with the woman to tend to. Given that water was undrinkable in a lot of places they drank beer and the beer was low alcohol, very thick and different to what it is today. Men fixed it later on.

Queefer Sutherland

Fix me, Josh!
Shit, maybe I'll become a fundamentalist Mormon. Cumming in 4 different women every week sounds PFG.

I met some Mormon girls once and they were all 40 but looked 28 and were in great shape and pretty because they don't smoke, drink, or consume jew nonsense.

It's more of political thing than racial. Mormons are running out of whites. They have missions all over the world and are actively promoting Burrism.

2023 Mormons:
