Kike Hate Thread


Gotta disagree on this one, I-man. This guy was a prick and had to know that soldiers face serious consequences for any confrontation with civilians. Even saying anything other than 'no comment' used to verboten and I assume still is in most cases. They did the right and more difficult thing and walked away while he just pestered like a fag trying to look brave on social media.
lol if you're a soldier, you are asking to be harassed anywhere you go. "did the right?" They decided to help the biggest evil in the world and are begging to be fucked with at every step. The only way they could have come out on top of this conversation is taking off their faggot ass uniforms and blew this dude.


Except he stopped recording and then it appears that they yelled at him from around the corner from afar and he started again.

He was a prick to the soldiers, no doubt. However the US is spreading faggotry and miscegenation everywhere and it’s nice to see people calling this out. Yes, the guy could write a letter to a 4-star general, but I’d argue it’s much more effective to ask the soldiers how they feel about making other countries gay.
"prick to the soldiers" = gave light ribbing to people that deserve worse.


I understand the restraints and consequences of their position (yes, a combat vet) and it looks like they were just trying to enjoy a little time away from superiors. Of course I agree wirh most of the guy's points, but at some point it's just badgering a group of lower enlisted who'd rather not be there and aren't free to discuss those topics with anyone while in uniform. When he asked if they'd shoot him with an AR or whatever (not gonna re-watch) he lost me. I'm all for better methods of protest. If it was the soldiers who approached him and got out of line, I'd understand his actions. That's all I got.

You got tricked into working for the enemy and we're supposed to not give you shit when you prance around in the mall? Eat fuck


Nope, but at the time almost no Americans knew about the behind-the-scenes Jewish networking dictating our foreign policy soon after 9/11. I had already been serving a short while at that point. I really can't say if 18-19 year olds today should know how things work and what we've become. It might be asking too much. Just referring to anyone in uniform as a ZOG-bot seems a bit unreasonable and unfair to me.

Are we supposed to be stoked about the useless idiots pushing masks and vaccine bullshit even if they're not the top dudes? No, if you're stupid enough to be down, fuck you, we don't need you clogging up traffic. Respectfully. Not hating on you, of course, but theoretically, fuck anyone that would accidentally do something that shitty.

Carl Winslow

I'm not a Fed


#1 Poster
I knowwww... I was just sewing while listening to a David Irving lecture on Himmler as a mind cleanse.
Bitch you're like 60 years old, you might be the most pathetic person on here and that's really saying something. Dumb, mentally ill old lady with a dry pussy and no kids/grandkids. No wonder you hate Jews so much, who actually have families and money and intelligence.