Just an update on how much Pat owes quasi.

Salted Earth Truffle

Eric Hildeman poked my no-no hole when I was 5
It is really hard to collect from deadbeats. The system is designed to protect them, give them tons of chances and to drag out the process.
Hard but not impossible. It helps if you’re a high-liquidity man of means like Quasi (and unlike Pat) who can afford to let that eventual payment balloon with interest. Pat is trying to run out the clock and the only way he gets out of paying is if he dies first. Even then, the James Woods approach is always an option.


Think about this - the Q man appears to have the money to keep this thing going. The more recent the activity on the case, the harder it is for Pat and Co. to get away from it.

Q just needs to keep on top of it. If he does that, it will always be a dark cloud Pat can’t ever actually shake. One that grows 10% annually.

Pat may skirt paying for a while, but the fact is they have assets that can be legally seized - cars, the house, etc. I think I read that the lien itself is somewhat of a blocker to them selling the house. It’s why realtors ask if there are any liens to disclose. As it stands, Pat has to answer yes to that one.

It’s cliche to say but it really does only get worse for him.

Salted Earth Truffle

Eric Hildeman poked my no-no hole when I was 5
How does the system deal with a creditor that will continue to pursue the debt for several decades? Guess we'll find out.
I wonder how Quasi feels knowing that for the rest of his life, he will be able to snap his fingers and get blown before and after Jacuzzi. #nohomo


My huge-cocked pal stole my wife and PUPPIES!
We all know he was told this whole lawsuit was a long shot / very slim chance (I think he even admitted it on the Joshua tape) and he would be on the hook but Pat is such a retard he believes he’s the good guy in the story so he doesn’t have to pay no matter what a pesky court ruling says.

I bet he screaming and told Niki if she even paid a cent of the payment plan THEY AGREED TO he would hurt her. That’s why it defaulted, piggy told her she’s not going to pay and if she does he will make it hurt.
If I were a divorce lawyer, judge, or women’s shelter, I’d buy it no questions asked.

John Wayne Gacy

Patrick's real father
By amortization do you mean murder suicide? Because i feel like that’s Rick’s plan A at this point
Or murder Nikki and try to blame it on a stlaker. We're gonna have to play closer attention when it's only him going out of town or anywhere else for that matter. I sure don't want another Bernell.

He probably threatens suicide all the time to hold what's left of their relationship together, but he's just too much of a coward to go through with it
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Dan doesn't have a penis. I. Do.
At least he’s killing it on Twitter thanks to all of this news coverage!



Sue Lightning

Any normal person would feel suffocated at this point. You dump money into lawyers and a lawsuit which you’re sure you’ll win and you lose. Then you have to pay back the legal fees to the tune of $30k. Then you let it balloon up to $50k. Most people don’t have the cash on hand to pay that shit as most people live paycheck to paycheck. Thankfully you can file a payment plan and only pay $1000 a month. Even that is like half of someones paycheck.

Now from Pats perspective this is a guy with worthless assets, shit credit, no income, no job, and he fucked off the payment plan. And yet he is happily and flippantly telling everyone and anybody who says he owes to fuck off, even his lawyers. He is a man completely incapable of grasping his situation or the consequences he’s brought onto himself.


I told them to back off bcuz it wasnt their show
Someone (not us) could hire a film crew and turn it into a reality show.
Someone could literally stand in front of his house witha sign and protest him and film the hovel. They did it to Cyraxx and he came out and hit the guy w a baseball bat the other day. Its a legal protest. The police sided with the protesters and arrested Rax. Theyre public figures. Pat has admitted so.


Welfare was deliberately set up to reward idleness and degeneracy. But if someone earns their money (rather than stealing or defrauding someone for it) I’d rather they keep 100% of it. Other people’s honestly attained wealth is none of my fucking business until they have their hand out and expect me to fill it. The universe doesn’t owe anyone shit.
The plan is to make it worse
[URL unfurl="true"]https://twitter.com/WallStreetSilv/status/1677319240418820096?t=42YkHlUt1ZXBd_eRwuz0Ow&s=08[/URL]