Just an update on how much Pat owes quasi.

Salted Earth Truffle

Eric Hildeman poked my no-no hole when I was 5
Black people don't pay their judgement debts either (or taxes), and do you see their Air Jordans getting confiscated? Their cars repo'd? Liens ever put on their ghetto hovels? No.
You can’t put liens on homes people don’t own. I’d also add that while I don’t know the data, my impression is that even most hoodrats pay their taxes because they want the refunds. The number of tax prep services in ghettos is nuts.


Stand Alone Fruit
You can’t put liens on homes people don’t own. I’d also add that while I don’t know the data, my impression is that even most hoodrats pay their taxes because they want the refunds. The number of tax prep services in ghettos is nuts.
They pay through whatever job they have but don’t report any “side hustles” that are only cash I see many do through facebook (selling food out of their house like they’re a restaurant, selling stolen things, etc)
You can’t put liens on homes people don’t own. I’d also add that while I don’t know the data, my impression is that even most hoodrats pay their taxes because they want the refunds. The number of tax prep services in ghettos is nuts.
What I never realized growing up is there are organizations where niggers can go into the office and the workers there will take your info and sign you up to every government assistance program you qualify for and they get grant money for facilitating these programs. Niggers can even drop their utility bills into a mailbox there and it'll be paid for them. When you go in it's all teenage niggers pushing their niglets in strollers, ready to get on that welfare they'll never leave all while telling you how oppressed they are and all white are racist or whatever nigger logic they use.


I told them to back off bcuz it wasnt their show
They pay through whatever job they have but don’t report any “side hustles” that are only cash I see many do through facebook (selling food out of their house like they’re a restaurant, selling stolen things, etc)
Aside from drug dealing obviously, another huge hustle is nogs running “daycare” out of their apartments (while not actually watching or taking care of the kids) and doing hair for everyone on the block.


Stand Alone Fruit
Aside from drug dealing obviously, another huge hustle is nogs running “daycare” out of their apartments (while not actually watching or taking care of the kids) and doing hair for everyone on the block.
Yeah the hair one I know is common, forgot about the daycare which is just leaving them at the house of someone that doesn’t work who is already getting money to stay home. I once knew of someone who was scamming the system so much she figured out how to still be on welfare / unemployment while actually working a low wage 40 hour job. Of course they like to brag they’re making “money moves” with these scams and bullshit.


I told them to back off bcuz it wasnt their show
Yeah the hair one I know is common, forgot about the daycare which is just leaving them at the house of someone that doesn’t work who is already getting money to stay home. I once knew of someone who was scamming the system so much she figured out how to still be on welfare / unemployment while actually working a low wage 40 hour job. Of course they like to brag they’re making “money moves” with these scams and bullshit.
My wifes cousin has TWELVE kids. TWELVE. She shits one out every 2 or 4 years or whatever it is to stay on the gibs. I think theyre from 7 or 8 diff guys. Shes such a piece of shit she makes all the siblings take care of their younger siblings while she hangs out “in deez skreets”, even though shes like 39. Its fucking sickening. Only one of them has graduated high school and went to college (far far away) and dropped the whole family in the rear view mirror, just like my wife did. Most of em just learn from their mom that you can just game the whitey system to pay you to do nothing all day.

Salted Earth Truffle

Eric Hildeman poked my no-no hole when I was 5
They pay through whatever job they have but don’t report any “side hustles” that are only cash I see many do through facebook (selling food out of their house like they’re a restaurant, selling stolen things, etc)
Good for them (obviously not on the stealing). There’s no one I trust with money less than government.

Salted Earth Truffle

Eric Hildeman poked my no-no hole when I was 5
Welfare was deliberately set up to reward idleness and degeneracy. But if someone earns their money (rather than stealing or defrauding someone for it) I’d rather they keep 100% of it. Other people’s honestly attained wealth is none of my fucking business until they have their hand out and expect me to fill it. The universe doesn’t owe anyone shit.


Monkey HOUSE


I remember landing a relatively high-paying job out of high school and the first thing I did with it was land myself $50k in debt to buy a brand new Corvette. After a couple years I felt pretty miserable with the decision and the monthly payments, but in the end I had myself a sexy Corvette which I still own to this day. Pig only got the right to call himself a retard.

Harry Powell

You’re the girl I needed in jr. high
As of now, the W is still in Pat's court. He still hasn't paid a single penny, and there is no pending legal filings against him (the domesticated judgement itself is just a piece of paper, it means nothing unless the creditor (quasi) actively tries to collect by filing for wage garnishment/liens/etc.).

Nothing has been filed by Quasi's lawyers since the domestication except for the debtor's exam, which Fat/Niki, regardless if either attended, did end up weaselling out of by filing for Ch.128 two days later and thus freezing collection efforts. The case was dismissed on June 20; nothing else has been filed with the courts since then either.

Fatty is spending his summer eating out at nice restaurants, buying trinkets, and cruising towards the 2-year anniversary of the judgement while still not having to pay a peNNy.

There's no legal pressure, and SpaceEdge has been MIA for two months, not even back for the media appearances to get his reddit contact to email the networks to get the articles pulled and a formal retraction made. When he first disappeared, I, like most others here, assumed it was because something big was cooking like a Josiah Pt. 2 -- but now, after the WaPo/NBC/Inside Edition appearances?? I dunno, I'm 50/50.

It’s simple. He got the knock. Soon they’ll figure out Dan’s identity and he’ll be down too.