Joe has been forced into sharing his cabin πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ‘


Joe's Filipino Supervisor
I'm sure they've dealt with hundreds if not thousands of Joe Qumias. And I'm sure they have special ways of making it hurt.

It would be hilarious if they waited until the port before the final destination and fired him (on numerous grounds), dumping his ass in a strange city and leaving him there to pay his own way home.
Fucking uppity immigrants, someone should deport this ingrate. Yes Joe you are once again everything you hate.


The Backbone of America
"another HUMAN BEING in my broom closet" is such a melodramatic and womanly way to say "there's now another guy in my 2-bunk cabin."

Actually none of this had to be articulated at all, let alone shared on Facebook
I'd be pissed. I literally can't get around the sound of someone snoring. I dial in on it no matter how hard I try not to and I can't sleep at all.
His cabin is more roomy than he's making it out to be:


Slackjawed Cow

I laugh at them because they're all the same.
"Cruise lines can't hold onto decent entertainment"

surely cruise companies hire the cheapest, lowest common denominator acts and treat them like shit, because they have a captive audience (what a country) and they know the plebs will pile in regardless.
Everyone knows the main attraction for taking a cruise is the guy playing music in the walkway next to buffet .


Everyone knows the main attraction for taking a cruise is the guy playing music in the walkway next to buffet .
"You know what I liked most about our cruise? That Solo Joe performance we went to. I've never heard Midnight Rider played with that kind of soul and feel before" said no one, ever. It's more like "LOL check out this pic, they had this fat slob playing shitty old songs in the lounge, and his tooth fell out in the middle of a song".